The Problem of Language Economy From the Perspective of Language Evolution


  • Saidov. Kh. Sh Bukhara State University


Observation of languages shows that they have a stable tendency to the "convenience" of pronunciation, which can be considered as the cause of phonetic changes. At the same time, those sounds and syllables that are stable in their use (i.e. they are not compressed further) are perceived as carriers of certain meanings. In other words, the "convenience" of pronunciation is the dominant motivating force of sound change in language functioning under various circumstances. This phenomenon means that the language tends to simplify, moving in the process of its development from complex to simple. This can be observed first of all when converting long words into short ones. For example: we tellen → we tell ("we talk"). This process can be accelerated by involving a variety of language facts in the simplification system. Such a principle of economy is usually characterized not only quantitatively (only as an increase or decrease in pronouncing effort), but in very close connection with the economy of mental effort of a person.




How to Cite

Kh. Sh, S. (2023). The Problem of Language Economy From the Perspective of Language Evolution. Miasto Przyszłości, 33, 24–30. Retrieved from