From the History of the Emeregence and Develoopment of Industrial Enterprises in Karakalpakstan in the Late Xix – Early Xx Century


  • Tangirbergenova Kalligul Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Karakalpak State University Uzbekistan, Republic of Karakalpakstan Nukus city


capitalism, industrial, capital, economical, bazaar, industry, process, factories, tsarism, plantation, potential, invested, market, military campaigns, large-scale industrial, impoverished, importation, inefficiently


The article reveals the development of industrial enterprises in Karakalpakstan in the late 19th and early 20th centuries based on historical analysis. Karakalpakstan came under the influence of Russian capitalism. More than half of Russia's capital is not invested in industry, but in trade, where maximum profit is guaranteed. Investments aimed at production could not produce such results, so a large part of the capital was used inefficiently. Due to the import of Russian industrial products, there was a gradual displacement of traditional local crafts. Russian capital destroyed the natural forms of economy of Karakalpakstan.




How to Cite

Kalligul , T. . (2023). From the History of the Emeregence and Develoopment of Industrial Enterprises in Karakalpakstan in the Late Xix – Early Xx Century. Miasto Przyszłości, 37, 39–42. Retrieved from