Development of Regional Cultural Tourism in Central Asia and the Creation of a Renewal Strategy (On The Great Silk Road)


  • Sattarova Zukhra Ilkhamovna Senior Lecturer of The Department of Real economics,at the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service, Uzbekistan
  • Fozilov Shoxnur Rustam Og’li Student majoring in group SAT-221,at the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service, Uzbekistan


development strategy; cultural tourism; cross-border tourism; cross-border region; borderland.


The article reveals the issues of regional development of cultural tourism, its features as an element of cross-border cooperation. The specifics of the structural organization of cross-border regions formed as a result of the interaction of the border territories of adjacent states are studied. The peculiarities of the organization of tourism activities in cross-border regions are considered, the conditions and opportunities for the development of cultural tourism in them are analyzed. It is established that activities in the field of cross-border tourism should take into account the specifics of the system organization of cross-border regions, as well as the socio-cultural features of its main elements.

It is noted that tourist activity in the field of cultural tourism in cross-border territories should be organized and developed within the framework of a certain strategy, as a special model of action. It is determined that such a strategy should include the principles and directions of activity, as well as its own descriptive model. It is concluded that the use of the strategy for the development of cultural tourism in the Uzbek-Kyrgyz-Chinese border area will intensify cross-border cooperation in this territory and solve a number of socio-cultural problems.




How to Cite

Sattarova Zukhra Ilkhamovna, & Fozilov Shoxnur Rustam Og’li. (2024). Development of Regional Cultural Tourism in Central Asia and the Creation of a Renewal Strategy (On The Great Silk Road). Miasto Przyszłości, 44, 104–113. Retrieved from