Characteristics of Hemogram Changes in the Treatment of Blood System Diseases


  • Madasheva Anajan Gazkhanovna of the Department of Hematology Samarkand State Medical University
  • Abdusattorova Fayoza Student of group 402 of the Faculty of Medical Biology Samarkand State Medical University
  • Isroilova Umidaxon Student of group 402 of the Faculty of Medical Biology Samarkand State Medical University
  • Samadova Marjona Student of group 402 of the Faculty of Medical Biology Samarkand State Medical University


Blood system diseases, treatment, hematocrit values, hematologic illnesses, changes


The most usually performed blood test is finished platelet count. This test incorporates hemoglobin, white platelet count, platelet count, and itemized red platelet records. Computerized total blood count additionally give data for "differential" which gives data about rates and outright quantities of various subgroups of white platelets. This test is important in diagnosing sickliness, hematological malignant growths, contaminations, intense hemorrhagic states, sensitivities, and immune-deficiencies. Likewise it is utilized for checking symptoms of specific medications. A pediatrician is as often as possible tested for assessing total blood consider a section patient's evaluation. An upgraded and complete comprehension of this research facility test is fundamental for giving quality consideration of debilitated and ordinary youngsters. Here in this paper, we need to share key research center translation methodologies for complete blood count and a few hints for separating typical from deviations and genuine issues.




How to Cite

Madasheva Anajan Gazkhanovna, Abdusattorova Fayoza, Isroilova Umidaxon, & Samadova Marjona. (2024). Characteristics of Hemogram Changes in the Treatment of Blood System Diseases. Miasto Przyszłości, 44, 224–227. Retrieved from

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