Adaptive text recognition algorithms


  • Tokhirova Sarvinoz Gayratjon Kizi , Isakhanov Khushnidbek Murodiljanovich


adaptive algorithms , text identify , from data learning , automatic adaptation , many task , context seeing exit , NLP, machine study.


Adaptable the text determination algorithms different different the text
information types and the environment conditions automatic respectively adapt will
receive methods and models work exit with depends has been research is the field . This
algorithms natural the language again performance (NLP) and the car learning in the
field main are components .
Adaptable the text determination of algorithms purpose hand writing automatic
identify the signs optical recognition (OCR), text feeling analysis to make , information
separate get the text classification and others such as different in applications the text
information to determine accuracy and efficiency from raising consists of




How to Cite

Isakhanov Khushnidbek Murodiljanovich , T. S. G. K. . ,. (2024). Adaptive text recognition algorithms. Miasto Przyszłości, 47, 269–273. Retrieved from