Coca and it is Abilities to Constract Linguistic Dictionaries


  • Ramazonova Shaxnoza Yo’ldosh qizi BuxDU, Xorijiy tillar fakulteti, Xorijiy til va adabiyoti (ingliz tili) yo’nalishi talabasi


American, right word, corpus, writer, trouble, compare


English is a difficult language for learning. Many rules of English grammar break down on application, and the common uses of words are often learned through direct observation. Therefore many writers have trouble telling whether something sounds right to Americans. The Corpus of Contemporary English (COCA) collects 520 million English words as they have been used in speech, in writing, on TV, in academic writing, and other areas between 1990 and 2015. COCA has many potential uses, including: (1) researching common American idioms (unique expressions); (2) double-checking prepositions and verbs; (3) comparing styles between spoken and academic American English; (4) finding the right word for each medium.




How to Cite

qizi , R. S. Y. . (2024). Coca and it is Abilities to Constract Linguistic Dictionaries. Miasto Przyszłości, 47, 665–668. Retrieved from