Economics of Transition to Innovation Economy in the Region Problems


  • Chorshanbayev Umurzak Lecturer at Gulistan State University
  • Muratjanova Lobar Student of Gulistan State University


Region, sustainable economic development, innovative activity, innovative activity manage


In the article, the mechanism of managing the process of ensuring sustainable development theoretical issues of formation are discussed. Sustainable development of the region The main factors are the transition to an innovative economic model and, therefore, innovative activity The origin of the need to ensure the management process is analyzed. Also the structure of the mechanism of management of innovative activity in the region is justified, the main one a diagram of the relationship between the processes is presented.




How to Cite

Umurzak, C. ., & Lobar , M. . (2024). Economics of Transition to Innovation Economy in the Region Problems. Miasto Przyszłości, 52–56. Retrieved from