Gift Ceremonies


  • Yakubbayeva Dilfuza Muminovna History teacher, Qibray vocational school


Ethnogenesis, ceremony, tradition, national, Uzbek Ethnos, matchmaker, etiquette


Humanity is ethnically extremely colorful. Ethnos develop in their development on the basis of general laws and values. In the world, No ethnic unity or ethnic process is manifested in a pure form. As it is absolutely fantastic to find a breed in which zamindar fits into each other nature and character and behavior, feelings, dreams, Ethnos are not completely similar to each other. After all, one of the ancient traditions and rituals of the Uzbek people, which has been preserved for years, is the sacraments of the gift. This ritual has existed for many years in the interconnection of the two families. Through this article, you can gain an understanding of the gift ceremony and reflect on its positive aspects. When writing this article, feedback from older people from neighborhood activists was used as the main source.




How to Cite

Muminovna, Y. D. . (2022). Gift Ceremonies. Miasto Przyszłości, 26, 184–185. Retrieved from