An Analytical Study of Some Biokinematic Indicators and Variables and their Relationship to the Accuracy of the High Jump Shooting Skill in Handball for Advanced Player


  • M. DR. THaer Awad Jabar Al-Bidany College of Physical Education and Sport Science, University of Thi-Qar


biokinematic indicators and variables- the skill of shooting from a high jump, handball for advanced playerspeople


The importance of the research is highlighted in studying the relationship through which the performance method is determined and the interrelationships between the movement of body parts during this performance are revealed as they are determined in an acceptable manner to achieve this performance with the highest capacity after that, and with the least possible effort to achieve the best distinguished results in the search for a young man, but the objectives of the research were summarized in identifying some of the biomechanical trades for the skill of shooting from a high jump with a handball to advance as well as distinguishing the relationship between some of the biomechanical progress for the skill of shooting from a high jump with a handball for advanced players, but the research assumes, for example, the existence of a moral correlation relationship for trading between some biomechanical sectors for the skill of shooting from a high jump with a handball for advanced players, but the research areas were represented by the human field and they are the Nasiriyah Handball Club and the temporal field, which is the Haider Kamel Burhan Sports Hall for sports games, with regard to the third chapter in the research community and sample and the chapter first, analyze and discuss the results, but the most important points that are reached with regard to the researchers in terms of reaching a detailed field for a moral correlation with a distinguished skill in shooting from a high jump with a handball and also enjoys a detailed The shoulder joint is morally linked to a distinct skill in shooting from a high jump in handball, but important recommendations included adopting the importance of mechanical application during training and training the skill of shooting from a high jump in handball under study and the necessity for the guides to be familiar with the training rules of kinetic analysis that depend on the basics of each of the science of movement, anatomy, biomechanics and other sciences and continue with movement.




How to Cite

Al-Bidany , M. D. T. A. J. . (2024). An Analytical Study of Some Biokinematic Indicators and Variables and their Relationship to the Accuracy of the High Jump Shooting Skill in Handball for Advanced Player. Miasto Przyszłości, 52, 487–492. Retrieved from