Features of the Functioning of Anglicisms in the Media Space


  • Tursunova Maya Erkinovna lecturer at the Department of Russian Philology, Ferghana State University


morphological integration of borrowed words in the acquisition of grammatical meanings inherent in the Russian language and the ability to change according to the rules of Russian morphology


When borrowed into the vocabulary of the media space, anglicisms, like other foreign words, undergo integrative changes. For the further successful functioning of the word in the receiving language, first of all, it is adapted in accordance with the rules of spelling, orthoepy and morphology. In this study, we do not consider the phonetic and graphic development of anglicisms during their transition to the Russian media space. This is due to the fact that most borrowings in the vocabulary of the media space retain their English pronunciation and spelling. In this connection, the article pays special attention to the morphological assimilation of English vocabulary, as well as its inclusion in the word-formation paradigm of the Russian language, typical for the vocabulary of the media space.




How to Cite

Erkinovna , T. M. . (2023). Features of the Functioning of Anglicisms in the Media Space. Miasto Przyszłości, 33, 42–44. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/1181