Scientific-Historical and Theoretical-Pedagogical Principles of the Violin


  • Karimov Olimkhoja Islamovich BukhSU Faculty of Arts, Department of Music Performance and Culture associate professor, scientific supervisor
  • Khodjayev Rahim Raufovich


Skilled and great performers of the VIOLIN era, who surprised the world, figures such as violinist Niccolo Amati (AMATI), violinist Antonio Stradivari (STRADIVARI) and violinist Andrea Guarneri (GUARNERI) were included in the GENESIS book of the world. Musical art, including in Europe, the East, Asia, and Central Asia, the violin is passed from generation to generation, improved and developed, and the theoretical and practical problems of national musical instrument performance art have a special place and importance. Because in terms of its social origin, genesis and cultural-spiritual essence, the violin has a very wide and deep conceptual significance.




How to Cite

Islamovich , K. O. ., & Raufovich , K. R. . (2023). Scientific-Historical and Theoretical-Pedagogical Principles of the Violin. Miasto Przyszłości, 33, 67–71. Retrieved from

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