Features of Chd in Patients With Covid-19 And Metabolic Syndrome Depending On E Nos Gene Polymorphism


  • Tashkenbaeva Eleonora Negmatovna DSc, professor head of the Department of Internal Diseases and cardiology № 2 , Samarkand State Medical University , Samarkand, Uzbekistan
  • Abdieva Gulnora Alievna Assistant of the Department of Internal Diseases and cardiology № 2 , Samarkand State Medical University , Samarkand, Uzbekistan


COVID-19, metabolic syndrome, coronary artery disease, comorbidity, cardiovascular complications


This analysis will not only more accurately determine the nature of the development of the metabolic syndrome, the progression of coronary artery disease, but will also help to identify the impact of 2019-nCoV infection on heart damage.

Objective: to study the pathogenetic significance of COVID-19 in the progression of the metabolic syndrome and destabilization of coronary artery disease.

The object of the study was 147 patients with coronary artery disease against the background of metabolic syndrome, who received treatment in a COVID specialized center.

The subject of the study is the blood and blood serum of patients with coronary artery disease for the quantitative determination of the main biochemical parameters (lipid spectrum) and the detection of the studied G/T polymorphism of the eNOS gene.

Conclusions: A feature of the clinical course of IHD with MS in patients with COVID-19 is frequent multiple anginal attacks, cases of tachycardia, impaired rhythm variability in the form of ventricular extrasystoles, complete blockade of the left bundle branch block, ST segment elevation on the ECG, increased T-wave inversion, progression unstable angina pectoris.

In patients with coronary artery disease against the background of MS with COVID-19, an increase in the atherogenic index, mean TG level, and a decrease in mean values of serum HDL concentration were found compared with the optimal parameters and values in the group of patients without MS.




How to Cite

Negmatovna, T. E. ., & Alievna , A. G. . (2023). Features of Chd in Patients With Covid-19 And Metabolic Syndrome Depending On E Nos Gene Polymorphism. Miasto Przyszłości, 34, 240–248. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/1294