Problems that Arise in the Process of Simultaneous Translation


  • Kamolov Dilshod Husniddin ugli 2nd year Master's student, Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, foreign language and literature specialist


Modern international conferences cannot be imagined without simultaneous translation into several languages


In the post-war years, the demand for simultaneous interpreters by international organizations and private conferences grew rapidly. In 1948, the first school for training professional synchronists was opened in Geneva, and in 1962 at the Moscow Institute. M. Torez, courses were organized to train special translators for the UN. Currently, not only government agencies or organizers of teleconferences and conferences, but also managers of companies involved in computers, satellite communications and many other types of global communication need the services of qualified simultaneous interpreters.




How to Cite

Husniddin ugli, K. D. . (2023). Problems that Arise in the Process of Simultaneous Translation. Miasto Przyszłości, 36, 193–195. Retrieved from