Contribution of Grammar to Improve Writing Skills in Russian as a Second Language


  • Eshonkulova Adolat Shakhrisabz State Pedagogical Institute, Teacher of the Department of Russian Language and Literature


writing skills, knowledge, grammatical concepts, different approaches, strategies, non-explicit approach, and grammar translation


Grammar is the system of sound, structure and meaning of a language. All languages ​​have grammar and every language has its own grammar. People who speak the same language can communicate because they intuitively know the grammatical system of that language’s rules of meaning formation. Students who speak English as their first language already know English grammar well. You will learn the sounds of English words, the meaning of these words, and the different ways to combine words into meaningful sentences.




How to Cite

Adolat, . E. . (2023). Contribution of Grammar to Improve Writing Skills in Russian as a Second Language. Miasto Przyszłości, 36, 474–477. Retrieved from