Ways to Assess Writing Skill in Academic Context


  • Khojiyeva Umeda Fakhriddinovna Teacher of the department of language and translation Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages


аssessment, Language Assessment, Writing process


аssessment is one of core components in language teaching and learning process since students undoubtedly experience some forms of assessment throughout their learning process and as teachers, they are responsible for assessing their students while teaching. This article will define a concept of assessment, introduce nature of writing process, types of writing, focus on five aspects of writing assessment and put emphasis on regular feedback through using forms of formative assessment such as portfolio, rubrics and self and peer assessment that leads to a short conclusion.




How to Cite

Khojiyeva Umeda Fakhriddinovna. (2023). Ways to Assess Writing Skill in Academic Context. Miasto Przyszłości, 42, 257–260. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/2057