Importance Of Colposcopy Diagnostic Method In Solving Gynecological Problems Of Patients With Acute Leukemia


  • Madasheva Anajan Gazkhanovna PhD, Senior lecturer of the Department of Hematology Samarkand State Medical University
  • Sirojeva Dildora Ikramovna Gynecologist of Samarkand regional multi-network medical center
  • Djumabaeva Mashkhura Islamovna Doctor colposcopist of Samarkand regional multi-network medical center


acute leukemias, colposcopy, gynecological problems, effectiveness of therapy, maternity, long-term chemotherapy, pregnant women.


 Acute leukemias (AL) are a heterogeneous group of neoplastic diseases of the hematopoietic system, characterized by primary damage to the bone marrow (displacing its normal elements) with morphologically immature hematopoietic (blastic) cells and infiltration of various tissues and organs. The replacement of bone marrow with tumor cells impairs its ability to produce the required amount of healthy blood cells.




How to Cite

Anajan Gazkhanovna , M. ., Dildora Ikramovna, S., & Mashkhura Islamovna , D. . (2023). Importance Of Colposcopy Diagnostic Method In Solving Gynecological Problems Of Patients With Acute Leukemia. Miasto Przyszłości, 42, 633–636. Retrieved from

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