Prospects For Improving Educational Efficiency In Higher Education Institutions


  • Akram Odilovich Ochilov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics of Karshi State University
  • Shokhrukh Sattor ugli Safarov Basic doctoral student of the Department of Economics at Karshi State University


The study was conducted with analysis of scientific sources, the practical pedagogical activities
and conduction of questionnaire among students, including such sections as: Social-demographical,
motivation for getting Higher Education, organization of an educational process. Was conducted the
analysis of the study, were drawn conclusions and given recommendations on the enhancing of
effectiveness of the educational process in a HEI, which will promote a preparation of students with high
professional qualities and in full measure answer to current requirements for it. The most related
prospects for improving educational efficiency in higher educational institutions were described.




How to Cite

Akram Odilovich Ochilov, & Shokhrukh Sattor ugli Safarov. (2023). Prospects For Improving Educational Efficiency In Higher Education Institutions. Miasto Przyszłości, 43, 58–62. Retrieved from