Correction of the Hemostatic Potential of the Blood in Conditions of Thrombocytopenia in Patients With Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura


  • Abdiyev Kattabek Makhmatovich Associate Professor of the Department of Hematology Samarkand State Medical University
  • Abdullayeva Gulrukh Izatillo kizi Student of group 401 of the Faculty of Medical Biology Samarkand State Medical University
  • Kudratova Farangiz Mardonovna Student of group 401 of the Faculty of Medical Biology Samarkand State Medical University


Resistant thrombocytopenic purpura, condition, symptoms, surgery, injury


For gentle cases, cautious perception might be adequate. Notwithstanding, in examples of extremely low platelet counts or huge dying, treatment choices might incorporate corticosteroids, intravenous immunoglobulin, against D immunoglobulin, or immunosuppressive prescriptions. Hard-headed ITP, which doesn't answer traditional treatment or shows consistent backslide after splenectomy, expects treatment to diminish the gamble of critical dying. Platelet bondings might be utilized in serious cases with very low platelet includes in people encountering dying. Now and again, the body might repay by delivering strangely enormous platelets.




How to Cite

Abdiyev Kattabek Makhmatovich, Abdullayeva Gulrukh Izatillo kizi, & Kudratova Farangiz Mardonovna. (2024). Correction of the Hemostatic Potential of the Blood in Conditions of Thrombocytopenia in Patients With Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Miasto Przyszłości, 44, 220–223. Retrieved from