The Role of Politeness in Communication


  • Markova Yelena Sergeyevna School of Foreign Languages at the Higher School of Economics candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Russian Federation, Moscow
  • Ruziyeva Nilufar Xafizovna Department of English Literary and Translation Studies, Foreign Languages Faculty, Bukhara State University


linguistic politeness, universalist, contrastivist, Conversational Implicature, intentional indirectness, interpretable indirectness, social contexts, Cooperative Principle, sociolinguistics, pragmalinguistics


Linguistic politeness has occupied a central place in the social study of language; even it has been the subject of intensive debate in sociolinguistics and pragmatics. A lot of linguistic scholars have carried out studies on linguistic politeness in a wide range of cultures. As a result, several theories have been proposed on linguistic politeness and have been established as scholarly concept. The major aim of this paper is to review the literature on linguistic politeness as a technical term. It will present some of the most widely used models of linguistic politeness in literature. It also tries to gloss the basic tenets of different theoretical approaches, the distinctive features of one theory versus another. There are some concepts of politeness that will become the subject of discussion of this article. These concepts are proposed by Robin Lakoff, Penelope Brown and Steven Levinson Geoffrey Leech.




How to Cite

Markova Yelena Sergeyevna, & Ruziyeva Nilufar Xafizovna. (2024). The Role of Politeness in Communication. Miasto Przyszłości, 44, 239–242. Retrieved from

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