Study of the Process of Polyethylene Terephthalate Destruction


  • I. I. Salohiddinov
  • U. N. Shabarova
  • Sh. Kh. Tavashov


Particular attention in the development of plastic waste recycling technologies is paid to chemical methods of recycling solid household plastic waste, in particular PET waste, as one of the most common. Chemical methods for recycling polyethylene terephthalate make it possible to obtain a whole range of compounds that can be reused both for the production of PET itself and for the synthesis of new oligomeric or polymer products. One of the most promising methods for chemical recycling of polyethylene terephthalate waste is the aminolysis process due to the wide variety of PET degradation products obtained.




How to Cite

Salohiddinov, I. I., Shabarova, U. N., & Tavashov, S. K. . (2024). Study of the Process of Polyethylene Terephthalate Destruction. Miasto Przyszłości, 159–163. Retrieved from