The Power of Online Collaboration For EFL Learners’ Writing Skills


  • Sevara Davronova Ulug‘bekovna Phd student, teacher at English and literature department, Gulistan State University
  • Kenjaboyeva Madinaxon Shuhrat qizi Bachelor student at English and Literature Deartment, Gulistan State University


Online collaboration, language proficiency, technology-assisted instruction, peer feedback, writing skills, digital, language education, diverse perspectives, critical thinking, language anxiety, community


The article explores the transformative potential of online collaboration in enhancing the writing proficiency of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. It discusses how proficiency in English has become increasingly essential for academic, professional, and global communication success in today's interconnected world. The article highlights the challenges faced by non-native English speakers in mastering the language and the opportunities presented by the digital age for innovative solutions. It explores the rising prevalence of online tools and platforms for fostering interactive and collaborative writing environments for EFL learners. It underscores the benefits of online collaboration, such as promoting active learning, teamwork, and social skills development




How to Cite

Sevara Davronova Ulug‘bekovna, & Kenjaboyeva Madinaxon Shuhrat qizi. (2024). The Power of Online Collaboration For EFL Learners’ Writing Skills. Miasto Przyszłości, 48, 710–714. Retrieved from