Linguocultural Characteristics of Phrases in the Karakalpak Language


  • Pulatova S. B. PhD, senior teacher of the Academy of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Jurakulova H. F. Student of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute


idioms, folk culture and views, national characteristics


Phraseologisms are a spiritual treasure that further enriches the language and its content. Phraseological units appear in connection with life events and socio-historical events. There are expressions specific to the people of Karakalpak, which express the national identity of this people. There are expressions that our people use in a certain sense. The phraseological fund of the language is a valuable source of information about the culture and mentality of the people.




How to Cite

B., P. S., & F., J. H. (2024). Linguocultural Characteristics of Phrases in the Karakalpak Language. Miasto Przyszłości, 49, 1028–1030. Retrieved from