Design Processes and Mine Parameters in Open Pit Mining


  • Bayramova Minevvar Axmet qizi Student of Nukus Mining Institute


Open pit


In open pit mining, excavation processes are carried out based on the dimensions indicated in the technical scheme of the mine. A mining technical passport is created when the mine is being designed. It is necessary to be able to ensure the continuity of technological processes in the mine. When designing mines, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the mine and the intervals for traffic movement in the mine. Also, in the design of the mine, based on the parameters of the mine, it is necessary to show the boundary part of the mine on the general map of the mine. When designing the working area of the mine, several mining processes, such as digging, loading, piling, and mineral transportation, must be planned.




How to Cite

Bayramova Minevvar Axmet qizi. (2024). Design Processes and Mine Parameters in Open Pit Mining. Miasto Przyszłości, 49, 1342–1346. Retrieved from