Problems With the Appointment and Conduct of Inspections Necessary in Case of Road Accidents


  • Rayimov Hakim Nayimovich Head of the Expert Criminalistics Center of the IIB of Navoi region, lieutenant colonel. Independent student of the Academy of Law Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan


the importance of traffic accidents, traffic safety, traffic rules, inspection of the place of the accident, appointment of an examination, examination of the results of the examination summary in the decision of the inquisitor or investigator


This article is devoted to the work to be carried out by the inquisitors or investigators at the time of inspection of the site of traffic accidents, shortcomings in the practice of surveying the site of a traffic accident, types of expertise to be assigned by the traffic accident inquisitors or investigators, and questions to experts and feedback on decisions made as a result of the examination conclusion.




How to Cite

Nayimovich , R. H. . (2024). Problems With the Appointment and Conduct of Inspections Necessary in Case of Road Accidents. Miasto Przyszłości, 50, 442–446. Retrieved from