Purpose and Directions of State Innovation Policy


  • Lobar Raupova student of the logistics department of the Faculty of Economics of the Karshi Engineering Institute of Economics


innovation, innovation policy, innovation development, innovation activity, scientific and technical achievements


This article is devoted to the innovation policy of the state and its directions, and the analysis of policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan is presented on the example of foreign experience. The article reflects the most important principles of the state innovation policy and its implementation in Uzbekistan in comparison with other countries. The article is based on an aspect characteristic of modern world economic development, that is, the transition of the leading countries of the world to a new stage in the formation of a post-industrial society - the creation of an economy based primarily on the creation, distribution and use of knowledge.




How to Cite

Lobar Raupova. (2024). Purpose and Directions of State Innovation Policy. Miasto Przyszłości, 51, 175–178. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/4439