The Importance of Personal Development in the Progress of the Country


  • Karimov Shukhrat Nosirovich lieutenant colonel, instructor of the department of arms and weapon training


Personality, upbringing, development, country, education, socialization, intellectual, progress, importance


The concept of personality is a comprehensive concept. Every person is born as a person. But its growth is of great importance. Education begins when a young child is one or two years old. From the age of seven or eight, education is added to it. Both are equally given over the years. What he does not know is explained, and based on his interests, he is given career or trade guidance. From this moment, the child takes the first step towards his future. Now he begins to think about how to behave in public and how to develop. This article discusses the importance of personal development in the growth and development of the country.




How to Cite

Nosirovich, K. S. (2022). The Importance of Personal Development in the Progress of the Country. Miasto Przyszłości, 26, 137–139. Retrieved from