Impact of Virtual Communication on the Family


  • Sotvoldiyeva Nodirabegim 4th year student of the University of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Virtual world, family, society, communication, dispute, conflict, BBC


As the world's leading scientists admit, today our planet has become a single global village, a house: everyone is aware of everything there. And the main role in this was played and is played by the powerful media, information and communication technologies and the countries that own them.

Of course, the people who have their own ancient and rich national culture, customs and traditions, but who are short-handed in terms of the above-mentioned opportunities and generally have no intention of imposing their lifestyle on others, national- Peoples who aspire to a free spiritual life are seriously worried about this.




How to Cite

Nodirabegim , S. . (2024). Impact of Virtual Communication on the Family. Miasto Przyszłości, 52, 32–34. Retrieved from