Historical, Cultural and Spiritual Traditions of the Karakalpak People


  • Zarlik Bekbergenov Head of the Department of Folk Art of the Nukus branch of the State Institute of Arts and Culture of Uzbekistan


Art, patterns, embroidery, painting, national life, nomadism, culture, music


The originality of the Karakalpak art found its vivid expression especially in carpets and embroidered items woven by Karakalpak craftsmen. Patterns and ornaments applied to them had a wavy look that symbolizes water. And this was not without reason, because from ancient times the Karakalpaks lived in the coasts of rivers and lakes.




How to Cite

Bekbergenov, Z. . (2022). Historical, Cultural and Spiritual Traditions of the Karakalpak People. Miasto Przyszłości, 27, 184–186. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/533