The Role of Higher Education in the Formation of a Harmoniously Developed Generation
higher education, professional culture, national identity, integration of education-science-production, training of specialists, social activity, cultural heritageAbstract
The article discusses the key tasks of the higher education system in Uzbekistan aimed at educating a harmoniously developed personality that meets the modern requirements of society. Particular attention is paid to spiritual and moral education, the formation of national identity and professional competence of young people. The role of higher education as an environment that educates socially active, proactive specialists with a high level of professional and spiritual culture is analysed. The article emphasizes the importance of integrating "education-science-production", as well as the introduction of advanced world practices to improve the quality of education. The main attention is paid to the synthesis of individual and social qualities of a specialist, forming his professional etiquette and spiritual image, which is an important factor in national progress.