Problems and Solutions in Teaching the Importance of Vitamins


  • Saydakhmetova Shakhnoza Ravshanbekovna Associate Professor, PhD, Department of Chemistry and Methods of Teaching Chemistry at Nizami Tashkent State Pedagogical University
  • Absamatova Feruza Normengli kizi 4rd-year undergraduate student in the Chemistry program at Nizami Tashkent State Pedagogical University


vitamin, lesson, dialogue


This article discusses the methodology of teaching the topic of vitamins. It examines the use of the dialog method and the application of brainstorming questions to develop students’ scientific awareness. In the dialog method, the teacher and student or student-to-student (the entire class) actively participate. Managing the dialogue to ensure the participation of all students in the class is the key to a successful lesson. Vitamins are almost not synthesized in the body or are synthesized in very small amounts.




How to Cite

Ravshanbekovna, S. S. . ., & kizi , A. F. N. . (2024). Problems and Solutions in Teaching the Importance of Vitamins. Miasto Przyszłości, 54, 1427–1429. Retrieved from