Determination of the Effect Of 2,5% Tolkoks and Fumagillin-B On Bee Nosematosis


  • Azimova Dilafruz Ismoilovna Samarkand University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology
  • Nasimov Shuxrat Naimovich Samarkand University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology


bee, worker bee, frames


This article presents the results of testing the medication 2,5% Tolkoks a therapeutic agent in honeybee colonies infected with nosematosis under natural beekeeping conditions. The medication was prepared Fumagilin-B and by adding 0.25 ml of 2,5% Toлкокс to 1 liter of sugar syrup and administered once at a dose of 250 g for 12 hours. Scientific results obtained from experiments and laboratory research are described in this article.




How to Cite

Ismoilovna, A. D., & Naimovich, N. S. (2024). Determination of the Effect Of 2,5% Tolkoks and Fumagillin-B On Bee Nosematosis. Miasto Przyszłości, 55, 1158–1162. Retrieved from