Improving Methods of Managing Innovation Activities in Textile and Knitwear Industry Enterprises


  • Hamidova Shahzoda Odiljanovna Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Assistant, Andijan, Uzbekistan
  • Odilova Shoira Odiljanovna English teacher at comprehensive school No. 56, Kurgantepa district. Andijan, Uzbekistan.


The article discusses methods to improve the management of innovation activities in textile and sewing-knitwear industry enterprises. It highlights measures aimed at creating new consumer values through the introduction of innovative projects into management practices, enhancing production efficiency, ensuring financial stability of industrial enterprises, and increasing the global competitiveness and innovation development index indicators of national economy sectors.




How to Cite

Hamidova Shahzoda Odiljanovna, & Odilova Shoira Odiljanovna. (2024). Improving Methods of Managing Innovation Activities in Textile and Knitwear Industry Enterprises. Miasto Przyszłości, 56, 19–23. Retrieved from