Investigate of Wear Resistance Pair Consisting of Cam Profile of Gas Distribution Camshaft and Roller of Pusher


  • Irgashev Amirkul Irgashevich DSc, Professor, Tashkent State Technical University
  • Qurbonov Behzod Bahodir o‘g‘li Doctoral student, Tashkent State Technical University


camshaft, cam profile, wear resistance


In the article, the wear resistance of the profile of the cam shaft of the internal combustion engine was studied. The dimensions of the modeled samples, the coefficient of acceleration of the wear test and the change of the test duration were determined. In this case, the wear surfaces of the intake and exhaust cams were divided into symmetrical parts, the wear process was studied for each part, and the values of the geometric dimensions and wear values were presented in tabular form.




How to Cite

Irgashevich , I. A., & Bahodir o‘g‘li, Q. B. (2025). Investigate of Wear Resistance Pair Consisting of Cam Profile of Gas Distribution Camshaft and Roller of Pusher. Miasto Przyszłości, 56, 180–183. Retrieved from