The Importance of Organizing Nursing in Schools that Capable of Meeting World Standards


  • Irgasheva Maxbubaxon Davlatjon qizi Assistant of the Department Epidemiology, infectious disease and nursing, Ferghana Medical Institute of Public Health


school nursing, student health, safety, environment, accident, emergency.


Nurses comprise the largest segment of the healthcare workforce in many countries
and have increasing opportunities to practice in a wide variety of settings. More than ever, the
profession requires a well-trained, flexible, and knowledgeable workforce of nurses who can practice
in today’s evolving healthcare environment. Recent legislation, demands of patients as consumers of
health care, and the need to control costs while optimizing outcomes have had a great influence on the
way that health care is delivered in the world. Nursing is evolving to meet these demands.




How to Cite

Maxbubaxon Davlatjon qizi , I. (2025). The Importance of Organizing Nursing in Schools that Capable of Meeting World Standards. Miasto Przyszłości, 56, 274–278. Retrieved from