Stages of the Formation of the Methodology of the Ball Kick Technique in Students


  • Usarov Murodjon Mamarasul o‘g‘li Andijan State Pedagogical Institute, Trainee teacher of the Department of Physical Culture


physical education, student, football


the theory of physical education as a science is the main subject in the training of specialists in physical education, sports, as well as obtaining special knowledge. In general secondary schools, its content is organized by the foundations of the theory of Physical Education, Physical Education of students, as well as sports training. The basic principle of the methodology for teaching ball kick is to repeat it several times in different conditions. The main goal is to train with the strength of the foot kick and the greatest accuracy.




How to Cite

Usarov Murodjon Mamarasul o‘g‘li. (2025). Stages of the Formation of the Methodology of the Ball Kick Technique in Students. Miasto Przyszłości, 57, 75–77. Retrieved from