About the Linguistic and Spiritual Characteristics of the Units Used in the Work "Ne Erur Bu Jaholat?"


  • Tilavova Munisxon Alijon qizi Buxoro davlat pedagogika instituti, Tillar fakulteti o‘zbek tili va adabiyoti kafedrasi o‘qituvchisi, Bux DU o‘zbek tilshunosligi va jurnalistika kafedrasi mustaqil izlanuvchisi


linguistic and spiritual features, stylistic features, stylistics


This article deals with the linguistic and spiritual characteristics of words and the linguistic and spiritual characteristics of words in Tahir Malik's "Property of Humanity". In this article, some phraseological units used in "Property of Humanity" Linguistic features are discussed. The development of semantics in the language, its specific features, their expressiveness, conciseness and other similar features are more clearly manifested when studying the materials of artistic works.




How to Cite

Alijon qizi , T. M. . (2025). About the Linguistic and Spiritual Characteristics of the Units Used in the Work "Ne Erur Bu Jaholat?". Miasto Przyszłości, 58, 109–114. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/6170