Measures Taken to Develop the Irrigation System in the Country


  • Sharofiddin Shukurjon Ogli Shomurotov Kokand state pedagogical institute, Kokand, Uzbekistan


water resources, decision, land reclamation and irrigation, investment projects, reservoirs, drainage and collectors, reform


After the independence of Uzbekistan, as in all areas, the water management system has undergone significant reforms and a number of measures. Today, in the irrigation system of the republic, special attention is paid to the rational and economical use of water resources, and the process of modernization in this area is gradually improving from year to year. It was during this period that a number of decisions, laws were developed and implemented in order to develop the system and legally guarantee it. The article describes the decisions on the development of the water management system in Uzbekistan, ways of efficient use of water resources and the ongoing reforms in agriculture.




How to Cite

Shomurotov, S. S. O. . (2022). Measures Taken to Develop the Irrigation System in the Country. Miasto Przyszłości, 29, 207–209. Retrieved from