Acmeological Approach of the Teacher of Organizing Literature Lessons in Uzbek Schools


  • Khayriddinova Shakhnoza Jamoliddin Kizi Second year master student, group 202, Direction "Russian language in foreign language groups", Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
  • Masudova Gulnoza Kakhramonovna Assistant of the Department of "Social Disciplines" EMU University


self-development, self-control, professional skills, competence, creativity, professional activity


The article discusses the development of acmeology - a new field of scientific knowledge about a person, the laws of his development, creative activity, and the realization of creative potential. The role of acmeological theory in improving the educational process in order to provide conditions for a person to achieve the highest level of professional skill is emphasized.




How to Cite

Kizi, K. S. J. ., & Kakhramonovna, M. G. . (2022). Acmeological Approach of the Teacher of Organizing Literature Lessons in Uzbek Schools. Miasto Przyszłości, 30, 174–177. Retrieved from