Miasto Przyszłości
<p>This is an open-access, multidisciplinary, online research journal from Poland. Journal called "City of Tomorrow" has focused on the community deployment of urban and suburban destinations. The proceedings series of the journal aims to publish proceedings from various issues based on the theories and methods in the fields of socio-economical sciences, education, and humanities. All proceedings in this series are open access, i.e. the articles published in them are immediately and permanently free to read, download, copy & distribute. Each volume is published under the CC BY-NC 4.0 user license which defines the permitted 3rd-party reuse of its articles.</p>Kielce: Laboratorium Wiedzy Artur Borcuch.en-USMiasto Przyszłości2544-980XMEHNAT RESURSLARIDAN FOYDALANISH SAMARADORLIGINI OSHIRISH YO'LLARI
<p>Ushbu maqola zamonaviy bozor iqtisodiyoti va globalizatsiya sharoitida mehnat resurslaridan foydalanish samaradorligini oshirish usullarini o'rganadi. Texnologik taraqqiyot, mehnat siyosati va ish joyidagi innovatsiyalar kabi turli omillar samaradorlikning asosiy omillari sifatida qaraladi. Tadqiqot tarmoqlar bo'ylab mehnat resurslarini boshqarishni takomillashtirishning amaliy strategiyalarini belgilaydi va ushbu strategiyalarning muvaffaqiyatli amalga oshirilishini ko'rsatadigan amaliy tadqiqotlarni taqdim etadi</p>Alijonova Kumushxon Erkinboy qizi
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<p>Современные исследования демонстрируют взаимосвязь между сахарным диабетом и ревматическими заболеваниями, такими как ревматоидный артрит, что существенно усложняет течение обоих заболеваний и приводит к увеличению инвалидности у пациентов. Влияние гипергликемии, хронического воспаления, избыточной массы тела и гиподинамии является ключевыми факторами, способствующими развитию и прогрессированию как диабета, так и ревматических заболеваний. Особенно важным аспектом является комплексный подход к лечению таких пациентов, направленный на контроль уровня сахара в крови, снижение воспалений и нормализацию обмена веществ. Исследование также подчеркивает необходимость коррекции факторов риска, таких как ожирение и нарушение физической активности, а также учет побочных эффектов медикаментозного лечения, особенно с применением глюкокортикостероидов. В результате комплексной терапии можно значительно уменьшить инвалидность и улучшить качество жизни пациентов с сахарным диабетом и ревматическими заболеваниями.</p>Бафаев Ж.Т
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<p>Ushbu maqolada kiberxavfsizlikning kundalik hayotimizdagi ahamiyati va uning huquqiy jihatlari batafsil yoritilgan. Internet texnologiyalari taraqqiyoti sharoitida kiberxavfsizlikning insonlar moliyaviy barqarorligi, shaxsiy ma'lumotlarning himoyasi va davlat xavfsizligi uchun muhim ekani ko‘rsatib berilgan. Shuningdek, maqolada xalqaro va milliy qonunchilik me'yorlari, zamonaviy texnologik yechimlar va kiberxavfsizlik tahdidlariga qarshi kurashish usullari tahlil qilinadi.</p>Zokirjon Ergashevich SuyarovAxmedov Ahadulloh Otabekovich
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<p>Ushbu maqolada kiberxavfsizlikning kundalik hayotimizdagi ahamiyati va uning huquqiy jihatlari batafsil yoritilgan. Internet texnologiyalari taraqqiyoti sharoitida kiberxavfsizlikning insonlar moliyaviy barqarorligi, shaxsiy ma'lumotlarning himoyasi va davlat xavfsizligi uchun muhim ekani ko‘rsatib berilgan. Shuningdek, maqolada xalqaro va milliy qonunchilik me'yorlari, zamonaviy texnologik yechimlar va kiberxavfsizlik tahdidlariga qarshi kurashish usullari tahlil qilinadi.</p>Zokirjon Ergashevich SuyarovAxmedov Ahadulloh Otabekovich2
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2024-12-262024-12-26561518Improving Methods of Managing Innovation Activities in Textile and Knitwear Industry Enterprises
<p>The article discusses methods to improve the management of innovation activities in textile and sewing-knitwear industry enterprises. It highlights measures aimed at creating new consumer values through the introduction of innovative projects into management practices, enhancing production efficiency, ensuring financial stability of industrial enterprises, and increasing the global competitiveness and innovation development index indicators of national economy sectors.</p>Hamidova Shahzoda OdiljanovnaOdilova Shoira Odiljanovna
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2024-12-262024-12-26561923Analysis of Determining Places of Road Transport Incidents and Improving Traffic Safety
<p>The work aimed at ensuring traffic safety in the national highway networks and transport enterprises is mainly carried out by various enterprises and organizations belonging to the Ministry of Transport, regardless of the form of ownership, by the Road Traffic Safety Departments under the Ministry of Business Affairs. To fundamentally improve traffic safety in the republic, regardless of the form of ownership, all organizations operating in the national economy must fulfill the tasks specified in the traffic law.</p>Abdusalam Abdurakhmanovich AliyevAshurov Obid AlisherovichShamsiddinov Samariddin Sirojiddin o‘g‘li
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<p>This article discusses the idea that Uzbek national music art, reflecting the ethnic development, cultural worldview, rich values, traditions, and customs of the Uzbek people with their long history, is a spiritual treasure of the nation. The article also presents the view that the musical culture of Eastern peoples forms the basis of the national music of each nation and discusses the history of its origin.</p>Isaqov Abrorbek Odiljon o‘g‘li
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2024-12-252024-12-25562934Modern Drilling Machines and Their Parameters
<p>This article discusses the advantages of using modern, innovative types of drilling machines as a promising plan to improve the drilling processes of planned excavation works at the “Tebinbuloq” deposit. It outlines the benefits and main challenges of using these advanced drilling machines, comparing the latest generations of drilling machines that offer broad convenience and productivity. The article provides a detailed comparison of alternative types of drilling machines that are economically and technologically suitable for the “Tebinbuloq” deposit.</p>Muhammadiyev Elbek Mirza o‘g‘liShodiyev Ramshid Muxtor o‘g‘li
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2024-12-262024-12-26563537Assessing the Impact of Various Technologies on Student Learning Outcomes in English Language Teaching
<p>This article talks about how the integration of technology into English Language Teaching (ELT) has transformed traditional teaching methodologies, introducing dynamic and interactive approaches that cater to diverse learner needs. This shift encompasses a wide range of tools, including mobile apps, online learning platforms, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. These advancements enable personalized learning, instant feedback, and access to authentic materials, enhancing student engagement and outcomes. However, challenges such as digital literacy gaps, unequal access to resources, and the need for teacher training persist.</p>Mukaddam Alikhanova
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<p>Mazkur maqolada bola huquqlarini himoylashning ustuvor yo`nlaishlari, shu bilan birga bolalar huquqlarini himoya qilish bo`yicha qabul qilingan bir qator xalqaro hujjatlar, mamlakatimizda amalga oshirilayotgan islohotlar va xalqaro huquq normalariga muvofiq ishlab chiqilgan normativ huquqiy hujjatlarimiz hamda ularning ijrosi haqaida so`z boradi. Maqolada asosiy urg`u berilgan jihatlardan biri BMT tomonidan qabul qilingan xalqaro konvensiyalar.</p>Zokirjon Ergashevich SuyarovTo`xtasinov Javlonbek Jahongir o`g`li
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<p>Ushbu maqolada kiberxavfsizlikning kundalik hayotimizdagi ahamiyati va uning huquqiy jihatlari batafsil yoritilgan. Internet texnologiyalari taraqqiyoti sharoitida kiberxavfsizlikning insonlar moliyaviy barqarorligi, shaxsiy ma'lumotlarning himoyasi va davlat xavfsizligi uchun muhim ekani ko‘rsatib berilgan. Shuningdek, maqolada xalqaro va milliy qonunchilik me'yorlari, zamonaviy texnologik yechimlar va kiberxavfsizlik tahdidlariga qarshi kurashish usullari tahlil qilinadi.</p>Zokirjon Ergashevich SuyarovPo’latov Umidbek Mahmud o’g’li
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<p>the successful performance of educational tasks in the educational <br>process, the formation of not only scientific knowledge but also the development of <br>spiritual and moral aspects of the personality of the students at also important. In the <br>article various educational functions of the implementation of pedagogical methods of <br>the classes, methods and forms of organization will be covered. Also, the modern <br>technology of teaching, the importance of the interactive method and the <br>communicative approach is shown. To work effectively with students, and independent <br>thinking, and social responsibility in the educational process to work in teams to teach <br>one to feel the importance of the realization of the functions is stressed</p>Maftuna Ilxomovna Fayzieva
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2024-12-272024-12-27564953Методика повышения рационального использования студентами социальных сетей в образовательном процессе
<p>Современный этап развития общества характеризуется стремительным проникновением <br>цифровых технологий во все сферы человеческой жизни, включая образование. Социальные <br>сети, ставшие неотъемлемой частью повседневной коммуникации, представляют собой мощный <br>инструмент, который может быть эффективно использован в образовательном процессе. Однако <br>их потенциал зачастую остается нереализованным из-за отсутствия системного подхода к <br>интеграции этих платформ в учебную деятельность. В связи с этим возникает необходимость <br>разработки методики, направленной на повышение рационального использования студентами <br>социальных сетей в образовательных целях.</p>Жўланов Хасан Комил ўғли
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2025-01-052025-01-05565457Теоретические основы использования социальных сетей в образовательном процессе
<p>Социальные сети, ставшие неотъемлемой частью современной жизни, представляют <br>собой мощный инструмент для трансформации образовательного процесса. Их интеграция в <br>образовательную среду открывает новые возможности для взаимодействия между <br>преподавателями и обучающимися, а также способствует созданию интерактивной и гибкой <br>системы обучения.</p>Жўланов Хасан Комил ўғли
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2025-01-052025-01-05565862Developing Listening Comprehension Skills in English Among Secondary School Students as a Pedagogical Problem
<p>This article presents analytical opinions on pedagogical approaches and directions for developing listening comprehension skills in English among secondary school students. In particular, methods, forms and approaches that develop students' listening comprehension skills in English are considered important. In this regard, the development of theoretical methodologies, taking into account the personal abilities and age of students, is determined. Listening comprehension is one of the important factors that ensure the systematic development of students' knowledge level and learning skills.</p>Azerbayeva Alima
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2025-01-062025-01-06566367Механизмы Повышения Социально-Инновационной Активности Молодёжи Узбекистана
<p>В статье анализируется место молодёжи в социальной структуре общества, а также происходящие трансформационные процессы её взглядов о месте науки и инноваций в жизни общества. Отмечена важность повышения социально-инновационной активности молодёжи для стабильного и прогрессивного развития государства.</p>Отамуратов Сарвар Садуллаевич
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2025-01-062025-01-06566874Characteristics of Developing Students' Cognitive Interest in Mathematics
<p>This article discusses the theoretical foundations, methodological approaches, and practical methods for developing students' cognitive interest in mathematics. To achieve this goal, it analyzes the effective use of pedagogical technologies, enriching the subject with modern tools, and encouraging students' active participation in the educational process.</p>Abdurahmanov Umidjon
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2025-01-062025-01-06567580Оптимизация Методов Хирургического Лечения Люмбальных И Боковых Грыж Брюшной Стенки
<p>В статье рассматриваются современные подходы к хирургическому лечению люмбальных и боковых грыж брюшной стенки. Проведен анализ клинических результатов применения натяжных, ненатяжных и комбинированных методик герниопластики, а также выявлены основные преимущества использования сетчатых имплантатов. Обсуждается значимость предоперационного обследования, включающего визуализационные методы диагностики, и их роль в снижении риска осложнений. Сделан акцент на необходимости индивидуализированного подхода при выборе метода хирургического вмешательства.</p>Искандаров Юсуф Назимович
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2025-01-062025-01-06568184Energy Crisis in Nigerian Universities: Implication for Effective Planning and Administration for Decision Making to Ensure Sustainable Development of University Education System in Nigeria
<p>This paper discussed the energy crisis in the Nigerian universities for sustainable development of university education in Nigeria. Secondary data were used in the study. The secondary data were collected from online and print publications. The paper concluded that energy crisis is facing the Nigerian universities and is adversely affecting the academic services in the universities. Disruption of academic staff job performance, students’ academic work, consumption of larger portion of universities’ subvention and students protest are the impacts of energy crisis in the Nigerian universities. Poor funding, corruption, vandalism /insecurity, are the factors responsible for the energy crisis in the universities in Nigeria. Based, on this problems, the paper recommends that every universities in Nigeria should have builther power generation plant. Government and private institutions should provide adequate funding for the building of the plant.</p>Niyi Jacob OgunodeOlamoyegun Stephania OlabisiOlamoyegun Olusoji Adetayo
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2025-01-062025-01-06568594Черты Национального Характера И Их Представление В Пословичной Картине Мира (На Материале Паремий)
<p>В данной статье рассматривается описание черт национального характера, представленных в пословичной картине мира. Исследование строится на принципах антропоцентризма и системности. Паремии описывают субъектов лингвокультуры в различных аспектах их жизни, фиксируют специфические национально-обусловленные представления, служащие идентификации лингвокультуры. Изучение пословичной картины мира и выявление на ее основе ключевых черт характера определяет возможность корректировки, дополнения и описания комплекса черт национальных характеров.</p>Носирова Мубина Олимовна
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2025-01-062025-01-065695100Аксиологические Особенности Понятия Пословичной Картины Мира
<p>Данная статья посвящена интересной и актуальной проблеме современного языкознания – проблеме понимания понятия картина мира и пословичная картина мира, которая является отражением культуры и менталитета народа, определенных социальных групп народа. Исследование пословичной картины мира в аспекте рассмотрение его как предмета аксиологии помогает глубже рассмотреть систему ценностей народа, исследуемого языка.</p>Тухтаев Сирожиддин Тошпулатович
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2025-01-062025-01-0656101106The Method Used in the Work “Fatāwá Qāḍīkhān”
<p>After Fakhr al-Dīn Ozjandi and his students developed the main rules of method of the Ḥanafī school, the previous scholars, such as Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī, Al- Ḫaṣṣāf, Aṭ-Ṭaḥāwī and al-Karkhī, created a set of rules of method by collecting the rules introduced by the founders of the school. A scholar like Fakhr al-Dīn Ozjandi, who is discussed in the article, comprehensively explained the rules and principles introduced by the previous scholars. He substantiated them, supported them with the most authentic sayings, and explained them. Most importantly, he divided this information into the most appropriate chapters and sections and wrote unparalleled works that teach the science of ʾuṣūl al-Fiqh of the Ḥanafī school. This article discusses the most prominent scholar of the last generation of the Ḥanafī school of thought and the scientific legacy he left behind.</p>Ikromjonov A. M.
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2025-01-062025-01-0656107111Modern Trends in the Development of Professional Education
<p>This article explores modern trends in the management of professional education, emphasizing the importance of innovative and adaptive management models. It examines decentralized governance, data-driven decision-making, stakeholder engagement, and the integration of digital tools in administration. The study highlights how these approaches enhance the responsiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of professional education systems. By focusing on collaboration, inclusivity, and the use of emerging technologies, the article underscores the role of effective management in aligning vocational training with labor market demands and fostering lifelong learning.</p>Ergashev Nodir Erniyazovich
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2025-01-062025-01-0656112116Soliq Va Bojxona Imtiyozlari Samaradorligini Aniqlash Va Ularni Optimallashtirishning Ayrim Masalalari
<p>Ushbu maqolada Oʻzbekiston Respublikasiga soliq va bojxona imtiyozlarining samaradorligini oshirish va ularni optimallashtirishning ayrim masalalari to‘g‘risida tahlil o‘tkaziladi. Shuningdek,soliq va bojxona tizimlarining iqtisodiy samaradorligini oshirish,ularning biznes va davlat uchun yanada foydali bo`lishini ta’minlash yo`llari bo`yicha ilmiy yondashuvlar olib boriladi.Shu bilan birga,imtiyozlardan foydlalanishning ijtimoiy va iqtisodiy ta’sirlariga va ularning boshqa iqtisodiy tizimlar bilan o`zaro bog`lanishga e’tibor qaratilgan.Maqolada soliq va bojxona imtiyozlarini yaxshilash,ixtisoslashtirilgan va samaradorligini maksimallashtirish uchun zarur bo`lgan mexanizmlar va strategiyalar taklif qilingan.</p>Makkamov Zokirjon XusanboyevichMaxkamboyeva Madinabonu Abduraxman qizi
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2025-01-062025-01-0656117121Maktabgacha Yoshdagi Ko’rishida Nuqsoni Bo’lgan Bolalarni Savodga O’rgatish
<p>Ushbu maqolada maktabgacha yoshdagi ko’rishida nuqsoni bo’lgan bolalarni savodga o’rgatish haqida yurtimiz va xorijiy olimlarning fikr mulohazalari aytib o'tilgan. Maktabgacha yoshdagi ko‘rishida nuqsoni bo‘lgan bolalarni savodga o‘rgatish o‘ta mas’uliyatli va muhim jarayon bo‘lib, bu bolalarning kelajakda mustaqil hayotga moslashuvi va ta’lim olishida katta rol o‘ynaydi.</p>Saxatova Nafisa Miryunus qizi
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2025-01-062025-01-0656122127Linguistic Problems of Intercultural Communication
<p>Intercultural communication is a complex process that involves the exchange of information and meaning between individuals from different cultures. This interaction is often fraught with linguistic issues that can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and conflicts. Effective intercultural communication can be enhanced through education, training, and the development of empathy for diverse cultural perspectives. By recognizing and managing these linguistic challenges, people can develop more meaningful and effective intercultural interactions.</p>Omonova Farangiz Asror qizi
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2025-01-082025-01-0856128130Analysis Shakespeare's Use of Religious and Holy Vocabulary
<p>Shakespeare's works, renowned for their depth and linguistic richness, including frequent references to religious and spiritual concepts. The selected terms and their associated lexicon provide insight into the Elizabethan worldview, blending Christian theology, pagan beliefs, and cultural superstitions. Below is an analysis of the listed holy and religious terms within the context of Shakespeare's works.</p>Ibodullayeva Maftuna Habibullayevna
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2025-01-082025-01-0856131133Improving Creativity Skills in Primary School Students in Inclusive Education
<p>This article discusses the improvement of creative abilities and the effective development of creative activity in primary school students.</p>Akbarova Muxlisa Akbarovna
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2025-01-082025-01-0856134136Psychological Aspects of Interpersonal Relationships
<p>This scientific article analyzes the psychological aspects of interpersonal relationships. Interpersonal relationships have a significant impact on individuals' emotional, mental, and social well-being. The article discusses the importance of interactions between individuals, emotions, and cognitive processes, as well as their role in personal development, social adaptation, and stress management. Interpersonal relationships help ensure healthy psychological states, create social support systems, and contribute to self-awareness. The article highlights the importance and role of understanding the psychological aspects of interpersonal relationships in society.</p>Abdullaev Amrulla Nasullayevich
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2025-01-082025-01-0856137141Investigating Language Layers as the Main Problem of Linguistics
<p>Language is a multifaceted system composed of interconnected layers, each serving a distinct yet interdependent function in communication. This article explores the key structural layers of language, including the phonological, morphological, lexical, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, and orthographic layers. Each layer contributes uniquely to the encoding, transmission, and interpretation of meaning. The phonological layer deals with sound systems, while the morphological layer focuses on word formation and internal structure. The lexical layer, central to this discussion, encompasses vocabulary, including words, idioms, and fixed expressions, highlighting semantic relationships, word formation processes, and lexical evolution. The syntactic layer examines sentence structure, and the semantic layer focuses on meaning. The pragmatic layer addresses context and speaker intent, while the orthographic layer represents the visual aspect of written language. Insights from linguists such as Ferdinand de Saussure, Noam Chomsky, and Steven Pinker provide theoretical frameworks for understanding these layers. Together, these layers interact to form a cohesive system that enables humans to convey complex ideas, emotions, and cultural values through language. This article underscores the importance of understanding language layers for linguistics, education, and cross-cultural communication.</p>Shodmonqulova Dilzoda
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2025-01-082025-01-0856142146Search for Recovery Rehabilitation Process Endurance of Wrestlers at the Post-Competition Stage
<p>The article focuses on training in the competitive period is to maintain athletic form throughout the entire period of participation in major competitions and create conditions for its maximum implementation in sports achievements. Glycolytic power the main factors that ensure the achievement of high sports results in sambo wrestling distinguish competitive and transitional periods. Technology of load planning at the pre-competition stage of preparation of the national team of Uzbekistan in sambo wrestling for the World Championship, taking into account the individual characteristics of technical and tactical and physical fitness.</p>Ergashev Dzhakhan Bobomurodovich
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2025-01-082025-01-0856147150Osteoartroz Kasalligi Vit D Xususiyatlari
<p>osteoartroz (osteoartrit) – bu bo‘g‘imlarning degenerativ kasalligi bo‘lib, asosan keksalarda uchraydi, ammo yoshlarni ham ta'sir qilishi mumkin. Ushbu kasallik bo‘g‘imlarning aşınishi va yallig‘lanishi bilan bog‘liq bo‘lib, uning rivojlanishida genetik, ekologik va oziqlanish omillari muhim rol o‘ynaydi. Vitamin D suyaklar va bo‘g‘imlar salomatligini qo‘llab-quvvatlashda ahamiyatli bo‘lib, uning yetarli darajada mavjudligi osteoartrozning rivojlanishini kamaytirishi mumkin.</p>Ergashova Madina MuxtorovnaTairova Zarangis KamoliddinovnaXusanov Temurbek Bobirjonovich
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2025-01-082025-01-0856151154Tourism Development as a Factor of Integration of the Republic of Uzbekistan into the Global Economy in the Context of Digitalization
<p>This article describes the development of tourism as a factor in the integration of the Republic of Uzbekistan into the global economy in the context of digitalization.</p>Tukhtarova Feruzakhon Yuldashevna
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2025-01-082025-01-0856155158Ways to Maximize Profit in Textile Industry Enterprises
<p>The article discusses the issues of the organization of production in modern conditions, the principles that should be taken into account in it’s improvement, the tasks facing enterprises today, the main directions of modernization of production based on the use of automated control systems. The article also discusses various methods of organizing production in foreign countries, as well as the main problems and ways of solutions in the study area.</p>Kholmirzaev Furkatbek Mukhtarjonovich
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2025-01-082025-01-0856159161Electric Fields and Forces
<p>The explores the fundamental concepts of electric fields and forces, elucidating their <br>significance in the realm of electromagnetism. We begin by defining electric fields as vector fields that <br>represent the influence exerted by electric charges on other charges in their vicinity. The investigation <br>includes a detailed analysis of Coulomb's law, which describes the force between two point charges, <br>followed by a discussion on how electric fields are generated by various charge distributions.</p>X.I. Xatamov I.M. Usmonov
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2025-01-082025-01-0856162166Modern Approach to Diagnosing Cerebrovascular Diseases
<p>Patients with NCF caused by cerebrovascular pathology are characterized by a decrease in mental activity and the speed of information processing, as well as a relatively milder severity of disorders of some higher brain functions (aphasia, agnosia, apraxia). The diagnosis is based on determining the vascular nature of the process, identifying the NCF syndrome itself and assessing its severity. Treatment of patients with NCF with chronic cerebrovascular accidents includes the correction of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors and the use of drugs that improve metabolism in the brain. One of these drugs is Cytoflavin, which has a significant neuroprotective effect. Data are presented on the effectiveness of Cytoflavin in patients with various forms of chronic cerebrovascular diseases. In such patients, a positive effect of the drug on the state of cognitive functions has been proven.</p>Abduraimova Dinora Mirzakul qiziQodirov Umid ArzikulovichKhakimova Sokhiba Ziyadulloyevna
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2025-01-082025-01-0856167172Diagnostics of the Origin of Poliomyelitis and Modern Diagnostic Methods
<p>Polio is a viral infection that most often develops in children under the age of 5. It damages nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, and in severe cases leads to paralysis of the limbs, trunk, and respiratory muscles. Before universal vaccination against polio began, thousands of children around the world were disabled and died from this disease.</p>Nimatov ZiyodulloKhamdamova Bakhora KomiljonovnaKhakimova Sokhiba Ziyadulloyevna
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2025-01-082025-01-0856173179Investigate of Wear Resistance Pair Consisting of Cam Profile of Gas Distribution Camshaft and Roller of Pusher
<p>In the article, the wear resistance of the profile of the cam shaft of the internal combustion engine was studied. The dimensions of the modeled samples, the coefficient of acceleration of the wear test and the change of the test duration were determined. In this case, the wear surfaces of the intake and exhaust cams were divided into symmetrical parts, the wear process was studied for each part, and the values of the geometric dimensions and wear values were presented in tabular form.</p>Irgashev Amirkul Irgashevich Qurbonov Behzod Bahodir o‘g‘li
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2025-01-082025-01-0856180183Значение Навыков Письма И Письменного Дискурса При Изучении Иностранного Языка
<p>Письменные навыки являются неотъемлемой частью изучения любого иностранного языка, так как они развивают понимание грамматики, способствуют расширению словарного запаса и помогают формировать критическое мышление. Особенно важно владеть письменным дискурсом для академических и профессиональных целей. На примере изучения немецкого языка рассматриваются основные аспекты развития навыков письма, включая грамматические особенности, структурирование текста и культурные нюансы.</p>Ш. Н. Митанова
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2025-01-082025-01-0856184186Maktab O’quvchilarida Sport Bilan Shugʼullanishning Jismoniy Ko‘Rsatkichlarga Ijobiy Ta’siri
<p>Ushbu maqolada 6-sinf sport bilan shug'ullangan o'quvchilar va nazorat guruhining jismoniy rivojlanish, jismoniy tayyorgarlik, tezkorlik va chaqqonlik ko'rsatkichlari o'rtasidagi farqlar tahlil qilinadi. Tadqiqotlar Andijon shahridagi Olimpiya va paraolimpiya sport turlariga tayyorlash markazi va Baliqchi tumanidagi 2-umumiy o'rta ta'lim maktabi o'quvchilari orasida o'tkazilgan. Olingan natijalar shuni ko'rsatadiki, sport bilan muntazam shug'ullanish o'quvchilarning jismoniy tayyorgarlik va chaqqonlik ko'rsatkichlarini sezilarli darajada yaxshilaydi. Sport faoliyati orqali o'quvchilarning tezkorlik va chaqqonlik sifatlarini shakllantirishning ahamiyati va samaralari taqdim etiladi.</p>Erkinova Soraxon Odiljon qizi
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2025-01-082025-01-0856187189Metaforaning Tasniflanishiga Doir
<p>ushbu maqolada O’zbekiston xalq shoiri Iqbol Mirzoning ishqiy mavzuga bag’ishlangan “Ko’nglingda nima bor, bilmayman” she’riy turkumida qo’llangan metaforalar tahlil qilingan. Shuningdek, to’plamdagi she’rlar metaforaning hosil bo’lish shakli, harakati va belgisiga qarab guruhlarga ajratilgan. Maqolada differensial (farqlovchi) tahlil metodidan foydalanilgan bo’lib, metaforik hodisalar va birliklarni o’zaro farqlovchi ma’noviy va shakliy xususiyatlariga qarab guruhlarga ajratilgan va differensial tahlil jarayoni amalga oshirilgan.</p>Yoqubboyeva Shoxista To’raxon qizi
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2025-01-082025-01-0856190194Оптимизация Миниинвазивной Диагностики И Лечения Торакоабдоминальных Поражений
<p>Изучение возможности протокола FAST (Focused Assessment with sonography in Trauma – целенаправленное сонографическое исследование при травме) при выборе тактики ранней диагностики и лечения у пациентов, обратившихся в неотложную помощь с закрытыми поражениями грудной клетки и брюшной полости.</p>Умедов Х. A.
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2025-01-082025-01-0856195200Formation of Psychological and Pedagogical Characteristics of Environmental Protection and Ecological Education in School Students
<p>In this article, the improvement of the technologies of environmental education through the protection of natural areas for general education school students, the scientific basis of pedagogical problems, the need to improve environmental education for school students is revealed and the process of using the conceptual ideas put forward in the study in the educational process, conducting and improving research on environmental protection is presented.</p>Marguba Normuratovna Buranova
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2025-01-082025-01-0856201205O’zbekistonda Davlat Moliyasi Faoliyatining Huquqiy Asoslari
<p>O‘zbekiston uchun davlat boshqaruv institutlarini shakllanti- rish va tubdan isloh qilish muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. Bu boradagi islohotlar davlat moliyasi, davlat byudjeti va byudjet jarayonini boshqarish va tartibga solish organlari faoliyatining samaradorligini oshirishni ko‘zda tutadi.</p>Bazarova Mamlakat Supiyevna
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2025-01-092025-01-0956206211Инновационные Стратегии На Предприятиях Легкой Промышленности
<p>Опыт развитых стран показывает, что эффективность стратегий предприятий зависит от выбранной инновационной стратегии и ее реализации. В статье исследуются ключевые аспекты формирования и внедрения инновационных стратегий в производственных компаниях. Определяются взаимосвязи между общей стратегией предприятия и стратегией научно-технических инноваций, их влияние на воспроизводственный процесс и конкурентные преимущества. Рассматриваются основные типы инновационных стратегий: активного и медленного вторжения, оборонительная и остаточная, а также условия их применения. Особое внимание уделено предприятиям легкой промышленности Бухарской области, предложены рекомендации по внедрению инновационных стратегий для повышения их конкурентоспособности.</p>Бобир Фаттохевич Азимов
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2025-01-092025-01-0956212217Die Symbolik Und Terminologie Des Fisches Im Christentum Und In Der Deutschen Kultur
<p>Der Artikel untersucht die symbolische Bedeutung des Fisches im Christentum und in der deutschen Kultur. Der Fisch wird als vielschichtiges Symbol analysiert, das spirituelle, kulturelle und ökologische Dimensionen vereint. Im Christentum steht der Fisch für Glauben, Hoffnung, Erlösung und neues Leben. Er wird mit zentralen theologischen Konzepten wie der Eucharistie, der Taufe und der Auferstehung in Verbindung gebracht. Das Akronym “Ichthys” wird als frühes Glaubensbekenntnis interpretiert. Die Symbolik des Fisches wird sowohl in der biblischen Tradition als auch in modernen ökologischen und sozialen Kontexten reflektiert. Der Artikel hebt die universelle Bedeutung des Fisches als Symbol der Hoffnung, Anpassungsfähigkeit und Verantwortung hervor.</p>Sayora Nuranova Gamzat kiziMambetkerim Qudaybergenov Sarsenbaevich
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2025-01-102025-01-1056218222Common and Specific Theoretical Features of English and Uzbek Sport Terminological Units
<p>This article reflects the common and specific features of English sport terminology. As well as denotative and connotative meanings of sports terms. In addition, derivational peculiarities, productive word formation ways and lexical-semantic, semantic-structural aspects of sport terms are thoroughly analyzed.</p>Akhmedov Oybek Saporbayevich
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2025-01-102025-01-1056223228Риски И Стратегии Их Управления В Стартапах: Пути Обеспечения Устойчивого Развития
<p>В статье рассматриваются стратегии управления рисками в стартапах для обеспечения устойчивого развития. Особое внимание уделено разработке эффективных методов прогнозирования рисков, минимизации операционных потерь и адаптации к изменениям внешней среды. Предлагаются практические рекомендации для стартапов, направленные на создание устойчивых бизнес-моделей, способствующих росту и развитию в условиях неопределённости и высококонкурентных рынков.</p>Мусабеков Улугбек ДжоробековичМаксудова Шахзодахон Анвар кизи
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2025-01-102025-01-1056229237Определение Надежности Плотин Водохранилищ Топографо-Геодезическим Методом
<p>Пачкамарское водохранилище русловое, сезонного регулирования, расположено в долине р. Гузардарья при слиянии ее двух составляющих - рек Урадарьи и Кичикурадарьи. Географически водохранилище расположено у пос. Пачкамар, в 15 км от районного центра Гузар и в 65 км восточнее г.Карши. Проектные параметры водохранилища: Отметки ФПУ=677,7 м, НПУ=676,0 м, УМО=636,0 м, полная емкость водохранилища – 260,0 млн.м<sup>3</sup>, полезная емкость - 250, 0 млн.м<sup>3</sup>, мертвый объем – 10,0 млн.м<sup>3</sup>, площадь зеркала при НПУ – 12,4 км<sup>2</sup>, УМО – 1,6 км<sup>2</sup>, длина водохранилища – 5,0 км, глубина водохранилища: максимальная – 62,0 м и средняя – 21,0 м, ширина водохранилища – 2,0 км.</p>Нарзиев Жасурбек Жураевич Жовлиев Уктам Темирович Мурадов Навруз Курбанович Камолова Саодат Омондуллохонов Фаёз Хазратов Маъруфжон
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2025-01-102025-01-1056238243Basic Interactive Methods of Teaching Economics
<p>The article explores the basic interactive methods of teaching economics, emphasizing their significance in enhancing student engagement, fostering critical thinking, and improving retention of economic concepts. Traditional teaching methods often fail to actively involve students, which can limit their understanding of complex economic theories and real-world applications. The paper discusses various interactive approaches such as case studies, role-playing, debates, simulations, and collaborative group activities, illustrating how these methods can transform the learning environment into a dynamic, student-centered experience. Through these techniques, students are encouraged to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios, enhancing both their analytical skills and their ability to make informed decisions. The article also highlights the challenges and considerations in integrating interactive methods into economics curricula and offers practical recommendations for educators to effectively implement these strategies in diverse classroom settings.</p>Namazova Nodira Djumaevna
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2025-01-102025-01-1056244250Фойда Ҳисобининг Ўзига Хос Хусусиятлари
<p class="Default" style="margin-bottom: 6.0pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: 28.1pt;"><span lang="RU">Корхоналар молиявий муносабатлари таркибида фойдани ташкил этиш ва уни солиққа тортиш муҳим аҳамият касб этади. Мазкур мақолада фойда корхона ижтимоий-иқтисодий тараққиётининг асосий белгиси сифатида талқин қилиниб, давлат бюджети учун фойда солиғини шакллантириш зарурияти асосланган. Фойдани солиққа тортиш борасидаги мавжуд вазият таҳлил қилиниб, меъёрий-ҳуқуқий асослари кўриб чиқилган. Фойда ва фойда солиғи бўйича етакчи олимлар фикрлари таҳлил қилинган. Шунингдек, фойдани ва уни солиқ объекти сифатида шакллантириш бўйича таклиф ва тавсиялар шакллантирилган. </span></p>Каландарова Г.
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2025-01-102025-01-1056251253Проектирование и формирование учебных занятий, развивающих математические способности студентов
<p>Проектирование и формирование учебных занятий, развивающих <br>математические способности студентов, представляет собой сложный и многогранный процесс, <br>требующий глубокого понимания как теоретических основ педагогики, так и специфики <br>математического мышления. В условиях современного образовательного пространства, где акцент <br>смещается в сторону развития критического мышления, креативности и способности к <br>самостоятельному решению задач, особую значимость приобретает создание таких учебных <br>программ, которые не только передают знания, но и стимулируют интеллектуальный рост <br>обучающихся.</p>Усанов Камолиддин Холбоевич
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2025-01-102025-01-1056254257Tеоретические основы развития математических способностей студентов
<p>Теоретические основы развития математических способностей студентов <br>представляют собой комплексный подход, объединяющий психологические, педагогические и <br>методические аспекты. Математические способности, как один из ключевых компонентов <br>когнитивного развития, формируются под влиянием множества факторов, включая <br>индивидуальные особенности личности, уровень мотивации, а также качество образовательной <br>среды.</p>Усанов Камолиддин Холбоевич
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2025-01-102025-01-1056258262Проектирование учебных занятий, направленных на развитие математических способностей
<p>Проектирование учебных занятий, направленных на развитие математических <br>способностей, требует глубокого понимания как содержания математической науки, так и <br>психолого-педагогических основ обучения. Учебные занятия должны быть структурированы <br>таким образом, чтобы не только передавать знания, но и стимулировать познавательную <br>активность учащихся, развивать их логическое мышление, способность к анализу и синтезу, а <br>также формировать устойчивый интерес к математике.</p>Эрназаров Алишер ЭргашевичУсанов Камолиддин Холбоевич
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2025-01-102025-01-1056263267A Comparative Study of the Level of Blood Glucose and Some Functional Indicators Among Students Who Abstain and Do Not Abstain From Breakfast Practices for a Fitness Lecture
<p class="Default" style="margin-bottom: 6.0pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: 28.1pt;"><span lang="RU">Breakfast is the cornerstone of a healthy day for people who exercise early in the morning, breakfast helps their bodies to transform metabolism from the state of catabolism to the state of construction, and this is enough motivation for athletes to make sure to wake up early and eat breakfast before their day begins, and the benefits of breakfast are reflected in the lives of athletes quickly as soon as they commit to eating it on a daily basis, as it is noted that health improves and activity increases after one week of Adhere to the daily breakfast routine and include the benefits of eating a healthy breakfast for athletes, including feeling more energy during the day, ease of concentration in the exercise classes, gaining a greater ability to accomplish exercise, and feeling less tired during the day because breakfast has a role in reducing the level of bad cholesterol and reducing high blood pressure, etc.</span></p> <p class="Default" style="margin-bottom: 6.0pt; text-align: justify;"><span lang="RU">The research aimed at a comparative study of some physiological variables of sugar and systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and respiratory rate among students abstaining and non-abstaining from breakfast practices for the lecture of physical fitness, and the fact that the research problem is related to Directly in the lecture of physical fitness, which is one of the courses that occupy an important rank in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences and through the researcher's access to the lecture on physical fitness and the fact that the researcher specializes in sports nutrition He noticed that there is a problem that occurs among students who practice physical effort in the fitness lecture that they suffer from a decrease in the level of their performance and their feeling of thinness, dizziness, nausea and the desire to vomit, so the researcher saw that the morning breakfast has a clear effect on sugar Blood and some functional indicators such as (systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate) among female students. </span></p> <p class="Default" style="text-align: justify;"><span lang="RU">As for the conclusions, where this study showed that blood glucose levels decrease before eating breakfast and at the normal level in the case of fasting, but the level of glucose rises after breakfast, The possibility of using blood glucose levels as a measure to raise the level of concentration among students during practical lectures.</span></p> <p class="Default" style="margin-bottom: 6.0pt; text-align: justify;"><span lang="RU">(Food, breakfast, blood glucose, heart muscle) </span></p>Mohammed Hasan Tuaimah
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2025-01-132025-01-1356268272Совершенствование организации учебных занятий, направленных на развитие интеллектуальных способностей студентов
<p>Совершенствование организации учебных занятий, направленных на развитие <br>интеллектуальных способностей студентов, представляет собой сложный и многогранный <br>процесс, требующий системного подхода и учета современных образовательных тенденций. В <br>условиях стремительного развития технологий и возрастающих требований к профессиональной <br>подготовке выпускников, актуальность данной темы становится все более очевидной. Одним из <br>ключевых аспектов совершенствования учебного процесса является внедрение интерактивных <br>методов обучения, которые способствуют активному вовлечению студентов в образовательную <br>деятельность.</p>Эрназаров Алишер Эргашевич
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2025-01-102025-01-1056268273Efficiency and Elaborateness: Exploring Linguistic Balance in Uzbek and English
<p>This article explores the relationship between efficiency and elaborateness in language, focusing on their roles in linguistic development. By analyzing how these principles shape Uzbek and English, the study discusses their implications for communication and language structure. The examination of these principles is informed by linguistic theories and observations on how they manifest in different language systems. The paper aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic relation between economy and redundancy in language, highlighting the adaptive strategies used by the Uzbek and English speakers.</p>Rasulov Zubaydullo Izomovich Oripova Sabrina Jalol qizi
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2025-01-102025-01-1056274277The Importance of Organizing Nursing in Schools that Capable of Meeting World Standards
<p>Nurses comprise the largest segment of the healthcare workforce in many countries <br>and have increasing opportunities to practice in a wide variety of settings. More than ever, the <br>profession requires a well-trained, flexible, and knowledgeable workforce of nurses who can practice <br>in today’s evolving healthcare environment. Recent legislation, demands of patients as consumers of <br>health care, and the need to control costs while optimizing outcomes have had a great influence on the <br>way that health care is delivered in the world. Nursing is evolving to meet these demands.</p>Irgasheva Maxbubaxon Davlatjon qizi
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2025-01-152025-01-1556274278Antigens and Development of T A\and B Lymphocytes In Body
<p>Any substance that causes the body to make an immune response against that <br>substance. Antigens include toxins, chemicals, bacteria, viruses, or other substances that come from <br>outside the body. Body tissues and cells, including cancer cells, also have antigens on them that can <br>cause an immune response. These antigens can also be used as markers in laboratory tests to identify <br>those tissues or cells. An antigen is any kind of marker - like a protein or string of amino acids - that <br>your immune system can recognize</p>Sobirjonova Shaxzodaxon G‘offorjon qizi
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2025-01-152025-01-1556279283Chemical Composition and Application of the Maclura Plant in Medicine
<p>This article is devoted to the chemical composition of the Maclura pomifera plant and <br>its application in medicine. Mackerel is valued as a valuable plant in folk medicine and modern <br>pharmacy, especially due to its rich content of flavonoids, isoflavonoids, alkaloids and other bioactive <br>compounds. The main chemical components identified by the studies and their biological activity <br>expand the possibilities of this plant for use in diseases, in particular inflammation, cancer, and <br>antimicrobial diseases. This article examines the chemical composition, biological activity and <br>possibilities of clinical application of the maclura plant.</p>Nazirtashova Roziya Mamadaliyevna
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2025-01-152025-01-1556284287Pathophysiology of Nervous System Disorders in Children
<p>This scientific article analyzes the pathophysiology of the nervous system disorders <br>in children. Nervous system diseases can significantly impact a child's development, making it crucial <br>to understand their pathophysiology. The article discusses the diseases of the central and peripheral <br>nervous systems, their clinical manifestations, development mechanisms, and the changes these <br>pathological conditions cause in the body. Additionally, the article addresses the importance of early <br>diagnosis and effective treatment methods for neurological disorders in children.</p>Nasirdinov Mavlonjon ZiyomiddinovichMamadaliyev Boburjon Odiljon o’g’li
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2025-01-152025-01-1556288289Laboratory and Radiographic Findings in Some Rheumatologic Diseases
<p>Inflammatory arthritis causes periarticular osteopenia, marginal erosions, and uniform <br>joint space narrowing. Noninflammatory, degenerative arthritis causes sclerosis, osteophytes, <br>nonuniform joint space narrowing, and cysts. Chronic tophaceous gout typically causes erosions with <br>a sclerotic margin and overhanging edge in peripheral small joints</p>Burgutaliyev Ilyosjon Bunyodjon o‘g‘li
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2025-01-152025-01-1556290293Acute Pericardits and its Diagnosis
<p>The normal pericardium is a double-layered sac; the visceral pericardium is a serous membrane that is separated by a small quantity (15–50 mL) of fluid, an ultrafiltrate of plasma, from the fibrous parietal pericardium. The normal pericardium, by exerting a restraining force, prevents sudden dilation of the cardiac chambers, especially of the right atrium and ventricle, during exercise and with hypervolemia. Acute pericarditis, by far the most common pathologic process involving the pericardium, may be classified both clinically and etiologically.</p>Muxidinova Shoira Bahromovna
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<p>Ushbu maqolada hozirgi davrda kiberxavfsizlik texnologiyalarining ahamiyati <br>oshib bormoqda, chunki korxonalar va tashkilotlar o’z ma’lumotlarini himoya qilish uchun yangi <br>texnologiyalarga muhtoj. Kiber hujumlarni erta bosqichda aniqlash va ularning oldini olish muhim <br>vazifalardan biridir. IDS (Intrusion Detection System - tizimga tajovuzni aniqlash tizimi) bunday <br>hujumlarni real vaqt rejimida aniqlash va zarur choralarni ko‘rishga imkon beradi. Mazkur maqolada <br>IDS texnologiyalarining asosiy turlari, ularning ishlash prinsiplari va samaradorlik omillari ko‘rib <br>chiqiladi..</p>X. X.Sadirova
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<p>Ushbu maqolada Mamlakatimizda so‘nggi yillarda yo‘l harakati xavfsizligini<br>ta’minlash tizimini takomillashtirish sohasida keng qamrovli tashkiliy-amaliy ishlar amalga oshirish<br>yo‘llarda zamonaviy aqlli svetoforlar orqali yo‘llarda tirbandliklarni kamaytirishni ta’minlash<br>tavsiyalari berilgan.</p>Madraximov Maqsudali Maribjonovich
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2025-01-162025-01-1656303308Qoraqalpog‘Iston Jadid Namoyondalarining Tariximizdagi O‘Rni Va Ahamiyati
<p>Mаzkur mаqоlа Qоrаqаlpоg‘istоndа jаdidchilik fаоliyаtining vujudgа kelishi vа uning ijtimоiy, siyоsiy, mаdаniy vа tа'lim sоhаlаrigа tа'siri hаqidа sо‘z yuritаdi. Jаdidchilik hаrаkаti, XIX аsr оxiri vа XX аsr bоshlаridа О‘rtа Оsiyо vа uning аyrim hududlаridа, shu jumlаdаn Qоrаqаlpоg‘istоndа, mа'nаviy, ilmiy vа diniy yаngilаnishni tа'minlаshgа intilgаn. Mаqоlа, jаdidchilikning аsоsiy tаmоyillаri, uning О‘rtа Оsiyо jаmiyаtigа kiritgаn о‘zgаrishlаr vа Qоrаqаlpоg‘istоndаgi muаyyаn yutuqlаrni о‘rgаnаdi. Bu hаrаkаtning о‘zigа xоs jihаtlаri, tа'lim sоhаsidаgi islоhоtlаr, diniy tаfаkkurdаgi yаngiliklаr vа mustаmlаkаchilikkа qаrshi kurаshdа kо‘rsаtgаn rоli chuqur tаhlil qilinаdi.</p>Quvаtbоyevа Chаrоs
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2025-01-172025-01-1756309314Attracting Investments into the National Economy and their Management: Current Status
<p>This study examines the current landscape of investment attraction and management <br>within the national economy, focusing on the existing mechanisms, challenges, and opportunities for <br>improvement. It analyzes the factors that influence both domestic and foreign investment decisions, <br>including macroeconomic stability, regulatory frameworks, infrastructure development, and political <br>risk. The research explores the effectiveness of current government policies and institutional <br>arrangements aimed at attracting and managing investments, while also evaluating their impact on <br>economic growth, job creation, and technological advancement. Using a mixed-methods approach <br>combining quantitative data analysis and qualitative assessments, the study identifies key bottlenecks <br>hindering investment inflows and proposes recommendations for policy reforms and strategic <br>interventions. The findings highlight the crucial role of effective investment management in achieving <br>sustainable economic development and underscore the need for enhanced transparency, accountability, <br>and investor confidence.This article provides information on investments, their significance, and the <br>current state of attracting foreign investments into the national economy and managing them. It also <br>includes relevant conclusions and recommendations for attracting investments into the national <br>economy</p>Ibragimov Aziz To’rayevich
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2025-01-172025-01-1756315322Turizm Sohasida Zamonaviy Marketing Texnologiyalaridan Samarali Foydalanish Istiqbollari
<p>Ushbu tadqiqot ishi turizm sohasining raqobatbardoshligi va barqarorligini <br>oshirishda zamonaviy marketing texnologiyalarining imkoniyatlarini o’rganadi. Tadqiqotda ijtimoiy <br>media marketingi, qidiruv tizimini optimallashtirish (SEO), kontent marketingi, mobil marketing va <br>ma’lumotlarni tahlil qilish kabi turli raqamli vosita va strategiyalarning turistlarni jalb qilish va <br>ularning qiziqishini uyg’otishdagi qo’llanilishi o’rganiladi. Unda turizm korxonalari tomonidan ushbu <br>texnologiyalarni joriy etish darajasi, ularning yo’nalish va xizmatlarni targ’ib qilishdagi samaradorligi <br>tahlil qilinadi, shuningdek, ularni yaxshiroq qo’llash uchun qiyinchiliklar va imkoniyatlar aniqlanadi. <br>Tadqiqotda turizm sohasining mutaxassislari o’rtasida so’rovlar o’tkazish va mavjud ma’lumotlarni <br>tahlil qilish kabi ham miqdoriy, ham sifatli usullardan foydalaniladi. Ushbu texnologiyalarning <br>mijozlar xatti-harakati, buyurtma berish tartiblari va umumiy marketing samaradorligiga ta’siri <br>baholanadi. Olingan natijalar raqamli texnologiyalarning turizm sohasini o’zgartirishdagi muhim rolini <br>ko’rsatadi va turizm manfaatdor tomonlarining innovatsiyalarni qabul qilish va ushbu texnologiyalarni <br>o’zlarining marketing faoliyatlariga strategik integratsiya qilish zarurligini ta’kidlaydi. Ushbu <br>maqolada turizm industriyasida marketingning zamonaviy texnologiyalaridan foydalanish <br>imkoniyatlari va ahamiyati to’g’risida ma’lumotlar keltirilgan</p>Raximova Lolaxon Avazovna
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2025-01-172025-01-1756323330Architectural Project Solution Proposals for the Reconstruction of the "Danielbiy Otalik Architectural Complex"
<p>This project explores architectural design proposals for the reconstruction of the <br>“Danielbiy Otalik Architectural Complex,” a site of significant historical and cultural value. The <br>proposals aim to balance the preservation of the complex’s original character with the introduction of <br>modern functionalities to ensure its adaptive reuse. Through a rigorous analysis of historical <br>documentation, site surveys, and contemporary needs, innovative design solutions are developed to <br>address structural challenges, enhance public access, and revitalize the complex as a cultural and <br>community hub. The proposed interventions include sensitive restoration of existing structures, the <br>integration of sustainable materials, and the strategic addition of new elements that respect the <br>complex’s historical narrative. The project seeks to provide a framework for future restoration efforts, <br>ensuring the long-term viability and appreciation of this important architectural heritage site.This <br>article presents an architectural project proposal for the reconstruction of the Danyolbi Otalik complex <br>(now unusable), which dominated Bukhara in the second half of the 18th century.</p>A. A. MuqimovSh. Murodov
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2025-01-172025-01-1756331338Onomastik Sathda Geortonimlar Tadqiqi
<p>Ushbu maqola onomastika doirasida geortonimlarning (muayyan yerlar, <br>mintaqalar yoki hududlar bilan bogʻliq joy nomlari) lingvistik va madaniy ahamiyatini oʻrganadi. <br>Unda geortonimlarning shakllanishidagi turli jarayonlar, ular oʻzida mujassam etgan semantik <br>qatlamlar hamda ularning muayyan joylarning geografik, tarixiy va ijtimoiy-madaniy jihatlarini aks <br>ettirishdagi rollari tadqiq etiladi. Tadqiqot geortonimlarning strukturaviy, morfologik va semantik <br>xususiyatlariga chuqur kirib, ularning lingvistik xususiyatlarini tahlil qiladi va ularni etimologik kelib <br>chiqishi va hosila shakllariga asosan tasniflaydi. Bundan tashqari, tadqiqot geortonimlarning diaxronik <br>evolyutsiyasini oʻrganib, ularning maʼnolari va shakllari vaqt oʻtishi bilan lingvistik va tarixiy omillar <br>taʼsirida qanday oʻzgarganini kuzatadi. Etimologik tahlil, lingvistik dala ishlari va tarixiy hujjatlardan <br>foydalangan holda, ushbu tadqiqot geortonimlarni qimmatli lingvistik va madaniy artefaktlar sifatida <br>toʻliq tushunishni oʻrnatishga qaratilgan. Olingan natijalar geortonimlarning jamoaviy xotirani saqlash <br>va mintaqaviy oʻzlikni shakllantirishdagi muhimligini, shuningdek, til, makon va madaniyat <br>oʻrtasidagi murakkab munosabatlarni tushunishimizga qoʻshgan hissasini taʼkidlaydi. Tadqiqot <br>yakunida joy nomlarida kodlangan murakkab hikoyalarni hujjatlashtirish va talqin qilish uchun <br>onomastik tadqiqotning ahamiyatini taʼkidlaydi. Kelajakdagi tadqiqotlar ushbu tahlilni <br>geortonimlarning zamonaviy qoʻllanilishidagi pragmatik va sotsiolingvistik oʻlchamlariga, ularning <br>mintaqaviy hikoyalar rivojlanishidagi rolini hamda ularning turizm va marketing tashabbuslarida <br>foydalanilishiga e’tibor qaratish orqali kengaytirishi mumkin.maqolada bayram, an’ana, marosim va <br>urf-odat terminlarining farqli tomonlari, geortonimlarning klassifikatsiyasi va nominativ tuzilishi bilan <br>bog’liq fikrlar ilgari surilgan.</p>Abdusalomova Ozoda
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2025-01-172025-01-1756339344“O’zbekiston Va Jahon Mamlakatlari Hamkorligi” Fanining Uslubiy Ta’minotiga Oid Tavsiyalar
<p>Mazkur maqolada “Globallashuv sharoitida O’zbekiston va jahon mamlakatlari<br>hamkorligi” fanidan “O‘zbekiston-Ozarbayjon davlatlari hamkorligi“ mavzusi uchun qo‘shimcha <br>manba va matbuot materiallar asosida yozilgan fikr-mulohazalarni taqdim etish orqali fanning o‘quvuslubiy ta’minotini yanada boyitish maqsad va vazifa qilib belgilandi.</p>Rahmonov Kamol Jamolovich
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2025-01-172025-01-1756345351Освещение Коммуникативного Аспекта В Лингвистической Литературе
<p>Коммуникативный аспект языка играет ключевую роль в лингвистических <br>исследованиях, раскрывая, как язык используется для взаимодействия, передачи информации и <br>построения социальных отношений. В данной статье анализируется освещение <br>коммуникативного аспекта в лингвистической литературе, включая основные теоретические <br>подходы, методологические достижения и их практическое значение. Исследуются взаимосвязи <br>между коммуникативными теориями, междисциплинарные подходы и влияние <br>коммуникативного аспекта на развитие современных лингвистических исследований</p>Сапарова З. ИА. Кадыри
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2025-01-172025-01-1756352354Theoretical Experience and Representation of English Colloquial Lexis in Dictionary Interpretation (Based on the Concise New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English)
<p class="Default" style="margin-bottom: 6.0pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: 28.1pt;"><span lang="RU">The article examines the lexical and semantic features of English colloquial words and expressions based on dictionary entries. Particular attention is paid to the implicit semantics of informal vocabulary when decoding the colloquial context. </span></p>Faleeva Anastasiya Vadimovna
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2025-01-212025-01-2156355359Yapon Tili Lingvomadaniyatida Vaqt Konsepti
<p>Ushbu maqolada vaqt tushunchasi va uning yapon madaniyatidagi o‘ziga xosligi tahlil qilinadi. Tadqiqotning asosiy e'tibori madaniy makonning muhim tarkibiy qismi sifatida vaqt tushunchasiga qaratilgan. Tadqiqot natijalariga ko‘ra, “vaqt” madaniy va falsafiy mazmunga ega bo‘lib, uni tabiiy aylanish vaqti, tarixiy vaqt va psixologik vaqt kabi asosiy tushunchalarga ajratish mumkin. Yapon sivilizatsiyasida vaqtning ma’nosi Sintoizm va Buddizm ta’sirida shakllangan dunyoning arxaik modelida namoyon bo‘ladi va bu yapon til madaniyatida o‘z ifodasini topadi. Yapon madaniyatida vaqt tushunchasi asosan davriy modelga asoslangan bo‘lsa-da, vaqtning chiziqli va davriy modellarining uyg‘unligi ham ko‘zga tashlanadi. Shu bilan birga, yaponlar uchun vaqt ramziy va vizual obrazlarda ifodalanadi va o‘tmishga yo‘naltirilgan madaniy tizimlarning xususiyatlarini aks ettiradi. Muallif ushbu maqolada yaponlarning vaqtni idrok etishida xalq og‘zaki ijodi, milliy an’analar, falsafiy va diniy asoslar kabi omillarning o‘zaro ta’sirini tahlil qilib, “vaqt” tushunchasining o‘ziga xosligini ko‘rsatadi.</p>Artikbayeva Zarnigor Zafarovna
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