Impact of Climate Change on University Administration in Nigeria


  • Ernest Ohiosumua Ohibime Department of Education, University of Abuja, Nigeria
  • Niyi Jacob Ogunode Department of Education, University of Abuja, Nigeria


Administration, Climate Change, Impact, University


This paper looked at the impact of climate change on university administration in Nigeria. Secondary and primary data were adopted for the paper. The paper identified disruption of university administration, reduction in university funding, reduction in number of academic staff, destruction of infrastructural facilities, teaching programme, research programme, community services programme and students’ death are used in this paper as impact of climate change on the university administration in Nigeria. The paper among other things, that universities authorities should institute tree planting in their institutions. They can extend it to the community as community service programme.




How to Cite

Ohibime, E. O., & Ogunode, N. J. (2022). Impact of Climate Change on University Administration in Nigeria. Miasto Przyszłości, 27, 26–30. Retrieved from

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