Ways to Increase Competitiveness of Small Enterprises and Private Enterprises in Uzbekistan


  • Ishimbaev Rafael Nailevich Assistant at the Department of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology


analysis, competitiveness, competitiveness assessment, enterprise, entrepreneurship, small business, ways to increase competitiveness


Small business in Uzbekistan occupies an important place in the structure of the country's market economy. Small business and private entrepreneurship make a significant contribution to solving many problems: creating jobs, developing and competitiveness of industries, increasing tax revenues to the country's budget, etc. Small businesses and private entrepreneurship in order to increase profits and increase their activities should, in modern conditions, increase their potential and increase competitiveness. This requires a carefully calibrated development strategy with a study of competitive advantages, a study of the work of competitors and ways of further development, taking into account risks. It is on the level of competitiveness of a small business that its future depends.




How to Cite

Nailevich, I. R. . (2023). Ways to Increase Competitiveness of Small Enterprises and Private Enterprises in Uzbekistan. Miasto Przyszłości, 31, 346–349. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/1054

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