Assessment of the Incidence of Iron Deficiency Anemia Among Women


  • Aslonova Ibodat Zhabborovna Dotsent of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of the Bukhara Medical Institute


risk factors, deficiency anemia


This paper the results of a study of the regional causes of the development of iron defciency anemia in women of fertile age on the basis of a prospective study of anemic patients and a retrospective analysis of 1515 medical records. In the course of the studies carried out, it was found that IDA still occupies a leading position in the spectrum of extragenital diseases in women of fertile age. Over the past 20 years, there has been an inconspicuous change in the leading causes of the development of iron deficiency. Together with the former leader, in the form of frequent childbirth, iatrogenic metrorrhagias and dysmenorrhea, a long course of chronic inflammatory diseases of internal organs, as well as alimentary factors and a decrease in the interval between births, rose to the fore.




How to Cite

Aslonova Ibodat Zhabborovna. (2023). Assessment of the Incidence of Iron Deficiency Anemia Among Women. Miasto Przyszłości, 42, 799–805. Retrieved from