Territorial Distribution of the Population


  • Norkobilov Hamid Ibragimovich Assistant of Termez Institute of Agrotechnology and Innovative Development
  • Togayeva Matluba Ismoilovna teacher of geography of school No. 44 of Muzrabad district
  • Salomova Gulchehra Jaylovovna teacher of geography of school No. 44 of Muzrabad district


Population, region, land area, density, degree


The most densely populated areas are South, Southeast and East Asia, Europe and the Northeast of the United States, and the Bosvash metropolis. The first three regions have a long history of population and now have a very high population density. This is due, first of all, to the ancient existence of labor-intensive rice farming, and to the rest to the industrial revolution of the XVIII-XIX centuries and the subsequent process of industrialization.




How to Cite

Ibragimovich, N. H., Ismoilovna , T. M., & Jaylovovna, S. G. (2022). Territorial Distribution of the Population. Miasto Przyszłości, 24, 84. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/23

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