Information Technology is Now Used Everywhere


  • Rajaboev Shahboz Shodiyevich Assistant teacher of the Department of “Information Technologies”, at the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service, Uzbekistan
  • Raxmatov Ozodbek Aktam O'g'li Student of Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service


IT, life, medicine, storage and transfer, healthcare.


: Conducting teleconsultations for patients and employees, sharing information about patients between different institutions, remote recording of physiological indicators, monitoring operations in real time - all this is provided by the introduction of information technologies into medicine. This brings healthcare information to a new stage of development, positively affecting all aspects of its activity. The introduction of IT in the healthcare sector allows to increase the quality of service, significantly speed up the work of employees and reduce the costs of providing services to patients.




How to Cite

Rajaboev Shahboz Shodiyevich, & Raxmatov Ozodbek Aktam O’g’li. (2024). Information Technology is Now Used Everywhere . Miasto Przyszłości, 44, 114–121. Retrieved from