Dynamical Assessment of Bronchial Asthma Characteristics and Electrocardiographic Changes


  • Safarova Munavvar Pardaevna, Abdukodirov Nurmukhammad Akmalov


Symptoms of depression in 15% of patients. They include depression, sad mood, crying, reluctance to communicate, in doing something, loss of former interests, pessimistic attitude to the future, self-dissatisfaction, guilt. , depression, insomnia, early awakening, lack of or increased appetite, weight loss.


in today's article, the following main complaints prevail among patients: falling asleep,
frequent awakening, general weakness, lack of energy and rapid fatigue. A limited neurological
syndrome, asthenia was observed only in patients with mild BA. In moderate severe BA, asthenic
symptoms worsened, the main clinical manifestations of the disease were hypochondriacal attitude,
painful anxiety and fears, negative attitude to treatment and distrust of doctors. Anxiety-phobic disorders
were reported in 19% of patients.




How to Cite

Abdukodirov Nurmukhammad Akmalov, S. M. P. (2024). Dynamical Assessment of Bronchial Asthma Characteristics and Electrocardiographic Changes. Miasto Przyszłości, 46, 153–156. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/2809