Analysis of Harmful Mixtures in the Air Flow During Cotton Cleaning


  • A. Sh. Adilova Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry Shoxjaxon st.,5 100000, Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan
  • M. J. Seytova Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry Shoxjaxon st.,5 100000, Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan


Seed cotton, dusty air, cyclone, dynamic analysis, dust particles, pneumatic transport


The article discusses how to clean dusty air released from dust, dusty air from air extracted from dust extractors and pneumatic transport installations, and dust and contaminants before release into the atmosphere. It also examines the separation of harmful impurities in the air flow from various machines during the initial processing of cotton. The reasons for and solutions for minimizing the large-scale dust emissions that occur during the whole primary processing of cotton. These emissions can impair working conditions for workers and employees and increase their risk of developing occupational diseases, including silicosis, as well as minimize air pollution in production facilities and the surrounding air. Initially, dusty air is coarse, moderate, and water purification efficiency percentages are provided.




How to Cite

Adilova, A. S. ., & Seytova, M. J. . (2024). Analysis of Harmful Mixtures in the Air Flow During Cotton Cleaning. Miasto Przyszłości, 47, 531–534. Retrieved from