Processing Cocoons in Water of Variable Hardness and Alkalinity


  • Nigora Murtozayevna Islambekova Doctor of technical sciences, Professor
  • Nargiza Fayzullayevna Rasulova Foundation Doctoral Student
  • Jamila Mamajonova Student , Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry (Uzbekistan)


Cocoons, water, steaming, hardness, alkalinity, shaking


The article examines the processing of cocoons in water of varying hardness and alkalinity. It has been established that when steaming cocoons in softened water, the temperature should be slightly lower than when steaming in source water. It was found that when water hardness and alkalinity were reduced to 2 mg eel/l for any cocoons, the yield of raw silk increased by approximately 1%. According to the data obtained, it is recommended to use water with a hardness of about 2 mg eel/l when processing cocoons .




How to Cite

Islambekova, N. M. ., Rasulova, N. F. ., & Mamajonova, J. . (2024). Processing Cocoons in Water of Variable Hardness and Alkalinity. Miasto Przyszłości, 169–172. Retrieved from