Differences Between How Men and Women Use Language and Communicate


  • Shodieva Maftunabonu Adizovna Asia International University, English chair
  • Shodieva Maftunabonu Adizovna Asia International University, English chair


communication, language use, communication styles, socializing, effective communication, gap between differences


Gender variances, in language utilization and communication approaches have captivated the attention of researchers from fields. This paper seeks to delve into how men and women communicate covering both spoken and verbal aspects. By examining existing literature this paper explores the social and cultural factors contributing to these distinctions. It also sheds light on the ramifications of gender communication styles in scenarios, including workplace dynamics, interpersonal connections and societal norms. Recognizing these distinctions is essential for nurturing communication and advancing gender equality.




How to Cite

Adizovna, S. M. ., & Adizovna, S. M. . (2024). Differences Between How Men and Women Use Language and Communicate. Miasto Przyszłości, 188–192. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/3353