Creating Landscape Compositions on the Basis of Permanent Green Bushes


  • Khudoyberdieva Nargiza Turgunboevna Tashkent Agrarian University, 1st year undergraduate, Faculty of "Landscaping of residential areas and landscape design"


Ligustrum or Privet (Ligustrum), Euonymus (Euónymus), Lavender (Lavandula), ornamental shrubs in landscape design, landscape gardening


This article is to identify the requirements for the creation of landscape compositions based on permanent green bushes from plants Ligustrum or Privet (Ligustrum) - a family of shrubs and small trees belonging to the olive family, Euonymus (Euónymus) - a genus of woody plants of the Euonymus family (Celastraceae) and Lavender (Lavandula) is a shrub or evergreen shrub belonging to the lavender family, an essential oil culture cultivated in the conditions of the Tashkent Botanical Garden named after Academician F. N. Rusanov.




How to Cite

Turgunboevna, K. N. . (2022). Creating Landscape Compositions on the Basis of Permanent Green Bushes. Miasto Przyszłości, 25, 314–317. Retrieved from