Potato Growing Technologies


  • N.H. Erkayeva Graduate student of Tashkent State Agrarian University


Soil and field requirements, soil preparation for planting, technology growing potatoes, fertilizing the soil, planting potatoes and further care


On the world scale, every 18-19 million areas where potatoes are planted, 301-309 million tons of gross harvest is obtained. According to it, developed countries: Europe 135-138 million tons. Russia 32-35 million tons. Asia is 15.7-15.9 t/ha. Potatoes grown on an area of 540-550 thousand/ha in the USA yield an average of 39-40 tons per hectare. India plants 1.3 million and annually harvests 23 million tons. According to the analysis, in 2020-2021, an average of 2.7 million tons of potatoes will be grown in our republic, of which 1.5 million tons are used for consumption and 500 thousand tons for seeds.




How to Cite

Erkayeva, N. . (2022). Potato Growing Technologies. Miasto Przyszłości, 27, 80–81. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/499